Chapter 8 - Doing something

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"When you're done laughing, let me know" I roll my eyes at Kate who's still laughing about what happened

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"When you're done laughing, let me know" I roll my eyes at Kate who's still laughing about what happened.

I should stop telling her things if she's going to laugh all the time.

"I'm sorry munchkin I can't help made out with him in his office, the person you told me you were going to avoid" she laughs even more and falls on my bed with a thud.

"I didn't make out with him! He kissed me"

"And you kissed him back and you loved it too" she gave me look.

Damn. She caught me there..

"See this is why I didn't want to tell you" I smack her head with the pillow.

"Ow! Why shouldn't you tell me? I mean sure I'll make fun of you for awhile but I'll still give you good advice" she shrugs and sits up properly.

"What advice do you have for me?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Don't fight it. You're finally having a chance at romance and let me remind you again with the hottest bachelor in Florida" she glares at me.

"Ugh...I just don't want to be that girl who has a thing with her boss" I sigh as I think about it.

"Oh come on, you're a rich bitch. You don't even need a job. I'm sure no one will point fingers at you for liking someone. Your boss or not"

"I don't know Kate, I shouldn't" I play with my fingers.

"Okay. Do what you think is right but I don't think your boss will make it easy for you since he made it clear he's obsessed with you" she winks and takes her bag from on the ground.

The class went on but my mind was somewhere else ....Eric. I've never allowed anything to distract me when I'm in class but that handsome, arrogant boss just invades my mind all the time.

The class ended.....finally "I'm attending a party tonight, help me pick out a dress? A professional dress!" I quickly add making her excited expression drop.

"Well of course darling! Dresses are my specialty and don't worry I'll make sure it covers.....the important parts" she whispers the last part but I heard her loud and very clear.

"Kate..." I warn

"You're going to be late for work munchkin" she pushes me out the class and she take off the opposite direction.

I went back to the dorm and wore casual jeans, a top and coat. I grab my key and went straight for work. I park my car and walk in the building were Alice was as usual but having a conversation with Samuel. I don't think they noticed when I came in cause they didn't stop their conversation like they usually do "we can't tell her yet..please!" Alice says to Samuel who sighs.

"We have to eventually, she's smart, she'll figure it out soon" he replies while rubbing his nose.

"If you guys are talking about your relationship, I already know" I say from behind and they both practically jumped at the sound of my voice.

Obsessed At First Kiss (⚠️REWRITING⚠️) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant