Chapter 5- A Mistake

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"So you're telling me that the person you kissed at the club is your new boss The Eric Salvador and not just that but you stole each other's first kiss??" Kate asked with wide eyes as she munches on doritos

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"So you're telling me that the person you kissed at the club is your new boss The Eric Salvador and not just that but you stole each other's first kiss??" Kate asked with wide eyes as she munches on doritos.

"Yeah...that's pretty much it" I sigh as I place the book down. I've been stuck on this page for almost 20 minutes now.

"And he didn't even hesitate to give you the job or even ask about your classes?" I understand her questions. Even I keep asking myself the same questions.


"Girl he's into you bad!" She claps and toss the empty Dorito bag in the bin and lick her fingers clean.

"I don't think so. I don't like him. He's arrogant.." and so damn fine.

I don't say it out loud but I just know Kate is thinking the same thing right now

"And hot as hell too don't forget that" Kate winks and clicks her thumb and middle finger together and took a bottle of whiskey from under her bed.

I'm not even surprised.

"I can't believe I'll be working as his personal assistant. Which means I'll see him everyday!" I drop on my bed sighing at the thought.

"I'm not sure you know how many girls will kill to have what you have right now but if you really don't like him, you can try avoiding him even though it'll be impossible" she gives me a mischievous smile and takes a long swing of her bottle.

"That's exactly what I'll do...Avoid him and only discuss business with him" I grin and go under my blanket, wrapping up.

"Whatever you decide my're the hottest innocent girl I know, I bet he's going to fall for you, if he hasn't already" Kate threw a pillow at me, hitting me square in the face.

"Ow! And he hasn't fallen for me. He can't" I whispered the part to myself getting under the covers more.

"Okay then. Goodnight babe"


I fell asleep right after.

My class the next day ends at 11 and I made sure to give him my class schedule.

So I'm supposed to be there at 11:30. I got to the building and say hi to Alice who was applying lipstick "Hey you..Mr Salvador is waiting for you" she gave me her million dollar smile and I smile back.

She's really pretty and that lipstick and totally her shade. I'll need TJ ask her where she got it from.

I knocked on his door twice when I made it up his side of the building "come in" he answers in a husky voice.

"Good morning Mr Salvador" I say looking straight in his grey eyes with a blank expression like the same one he had yesterday.

"Good morning Miss Knight. Please fax these files immediately and bring them to me in an hour" he says while typing something on his laptop without looking up at me.

Obsessed At First Kiss (⚠️REWRITING⚠️) Where stories live. Discover now