Chapter 24- "Hope"

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It's been 4 hours since the operation started and nothing yet.

Eric paced up and down the hallway, praying that they'll at least get something from the doctors soon.

Stacy had taken 4 bullets but managed to stay alive till they got to the hospital.

"You stupid girl!  Why'd you have to stand in front of me like that huh!" Eric sobs as he held her head gently and as faint as her heartbeat was, it was enough to give Eric hope.

His voice was cracking with every word. He can't lose her. Not now. He won't be able to live without her. Not anymore.

"Why did you take four freaking bullets!" He sobbed louder

"You better not die or I swear to god Stacy Knight..." he looked at her limp body and pale face due to the amount of blood she's lost.

They finally got to a hospital that immediately went into surgery without asking any follow up questions.

Leading them to now.

Everyone, I mean everyone of her men that were with her filled the hallway with sad faces. Some even in tears because they were all there but couldn't protect their boss from getting shot.

Triton held Kate who was now limp in his arms. No more tears left to cry just occasional sniffs.

No one dared ask them to leave considering they were all dressed like the assassins you'll only see in movies.

The red light suddenly went off making everyone park up with anticipation as the doctor walks out the surgery room.

"Uhm.." The doctor tries to not sound scared but he failed.

"What?!" Eric snapped at him "Is she fine?!"

The doctor gulped and blinked a couple time to compose himself "she's alive..."

He announces and several exhales were heard from everyone, Eric included


Heads snap at him and he flinched "she's in a coma"

Loud gasps were heard again.

Eric took steps back shaking his head mumbling nos to himself.

"She might wake up but her wounds are very severe but they will definitely heal in a few months but her brain doesn't seem to be responding to anything" he pauses.

Eric looked at him with pure horror.

"She might lose her some of her memory because she took a bullet close to her head and since only 5% of people who have severe head injuries survive, it's inevitable that she'll lose some of her memories. It might be a few months back, weeks or even years" he says lowly feeling extremely sorry for the pain she had to go through.

Triton dashed out after hearing this with Kate behind his trail while Eric just stood there stiff in his position while a single tear dropped from his eyes.

She might not remember him or how they met, how they shared their first kiss, how she told him she loved him, all the time they've spent and all what they've been through as little as it seems.

Those little memories where now his everything and to see the person that has become his world laying down helplessly broke his heart more than you can imagine.

Meanwhile Triton couldn't bare to see his baby sister in the state she was in and the thought of losing her, the only family he had left, was something he never thought he would have to even think about this early or at all.

She was known for being selfless and always looked out for people she knew and cared about, but taking four bullets for another person was beyond expectation.

He knew she loved Eric but he didn't think she would sacrifice herself for love.

"Hey..please calm down" Kate says calmly.

"My only sister is in a coma Kate, I can't calm down" he says blinking the tears away.

Kate sobbed and gently placed her hand on his shoulder " she's my best friend. I love her more than my own family and she needs us, now more than ever. So please stay strong for her" she sniffs wiping the fallen tears.

"You're supposed to be making me feel better not cry and make things worse" Triton hugged her tightly, finally releasing the tears he held captive.

Kate rubbed his back gently as they both broke down.


"You're such a freaking child Eric. Let me go so I can go freaking pee!" She tried to shove him away.

"I'll go with you" he grins up at her with hope but she glared at him.

"Then I won't let you go" he rested his head on her 'soft chest' according to him.

"I'll pee here then, and then I'll sleep on the couch tonight" she shrugged.

He lets go of her immediately and she smirks at him.

It's been 3 weeks and she's still not responding to treatment.

Eric has let his hair and beard grow out and he has huge purple bags under his eyes.

"Eric you can't continue like this, you need to rest or at least take care of yourself" Kate tries to explain to him but he remained still looking at Stacy who didn't look as pale as she was but was still not waking up.

"I promised her I'd protect her" he whispers but loud enough for Kate to hear

"No one saw this coming Eric. Please stop blaming yourself for it"

"I should've protected her. She doesn't deserve this" he sniffs and blinked away the tears that were threatening to fall.

Kate sighed "I know for a fact that she wouldn't want to see you like this. What if she wakes up right now, do you want her to see you like this?"

"That's just it Kate, she won't even remember me" he holds her hand.

"We don't know that yet! She might remember us" she tried to sound confident but her voice cracked. Because she's one of the people Stacy might not remember.

"I really hope she does. I just want her to smile at me again or just look at me with her beautiful eyes" he kissed her cold hands.

It fell silent for awhile...

"Come on, you should go home and clean up and rest for awhile. I'll stay here till you get back" she wipes her own tears.

He stared at her figure once more and planted a kiss on her forehead before heading out to his place.
People came to visit including Alice and Samuel who asked a lot of questions about how she ended up in a coma and Kate told them she was in a fatal car accident and well, they bought it.

Time went by in a blur with Stacy still in coma and slowly everyone started to lose hope.

Everyone but Eric of course who swore he saw her pinky finger twitched once, giving him a whole new bundle of hope that one day however long it might take, she'll come back to him.

What he wasn't sure of is if she would come back to him the same....

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