"Please I heard you practicing earlier."

"Yeah like you didn't need any practice when you ask princess Astrid to marry you." I shot back.

"Actually I didn't."

" Yeah and a lot of trouble it caused. I think it had something to do with the chicken popping out of a cake end scaring princess Astrid half to death. Not to mention it's swallowed the ring.

"Yeah but after the whole ordeal did you see how she laughed. And then she kissed me. So as far as I'm concerned my plan worked just fine. No practice required. And it wasn't half as sappy as what you're planning to do."

"Boys! Boys!" King Garrick bellowed. "Different ice hockey teams have different strengths. Therefore you need a variety of plays."And that's about where I tuned out.

The Carriage jostles slightly as we descend. I leaned my head out the side of the carriage to see in Enchancia Castle. The yellow light coming from the windows up against the navy sky is lovely. There are some more jostles as the horse and carriage land on the runway.

I breathe in the cold night air before plunging into the warmth of the castle. We follow the red plush velvet carpet into the ballroom. Our names are announced but I'm barely paying attention to that. I'm scanning the room for, " someone."

The ballroom floor is polished so well the light from the chandelier is waltzing on the dance floor right along with the smiling people. Everyone in the room has perfect posture and looks beautiful. They move effortlessly on the Dance Floor, perfectly in time with the music. Yet the atmosphere of the room isn't stuffy. I hear laughter ring out.

The room is decorated with olive branches and red white and blue banners intertwined with purple and green ones. "Oh, that's ugly."I think to myself.

My eyes are drawn to the snack table. There's a huge spread of foods to choose from. And they are by the punch bowl is Sofia talking to Vivian. My chest tightens at the sight of her. Her dresses hugging her curves perfectly. Her hair is loose about her back. Some of it is pinned into a braid crown with flowers the color of her dress are woven into it.

When we reach the bottom of the stairs I'm forced to stop staring at Sophia when my Father punches me in the shoulder and says "Go em champ."Oh, Dad why? I cringe. But none of the less take the opportunity to immediately find my way to Sofia's side.

"Prince Hugo." Princess Vivian curtsies. Sophia turns around and smiles when she sees me.

"Princess Vivian, Sof" I nod my head and do a small bow. I noticed Princess Vivian's surprise at my use of the nickname. She has no time to comment on it tho.

Prince James strides over to Vivian and offers her his hand. "Care to dance?"

Vivian giggles bring her hands to cover her mouth. She glances at Sophia. Sophia nods and smiled at her. Vivian lowers her hand to take James's and they make their way onto the dance floor.

Sophia stairs expectantly at me. I decide to play dumb just bug her. Her eyes flick to the dance floor and then pointedly back at me. Her hands find her way to her hips.

" What?" I asked in a fake, innocent, sarcastic way.

She grabs my arm and pulls me into the dance. I can't help but laugh. Before I know it two dances are over. I haven't said a word. My body is on autopilot and my mind is elsewhere. But it does feel good to move in synchrony with Sophia.

"You're distracted."Sofia stated as a fact more than a question. But I know she expects an explanation. I leaned down to speak into her ear, which is made easy by our already close proximity.

" Is there somewhere we can go to be alone?"I expected her to question me or even be startled. But she immediately responds with "Follow me."

She walks around the dance floor all the way to the right side of the ballroom. She opens The glass door that leads onto the balcony.

Not the kind of privacy I was imagining. We can see straight into the ballroom. But then she walks to the end of the balcony and walks down a set of stairs. Into a small garden. The garden is softly illuminated by the lights in the ballroom above. And we can faintly hear the music.now sitting on a stone bench in a garden we're completely hidden from sight.

"I have something to ask you."We say at the same time.

"You first."We say simultaneously.

"Okay, seriously you go first."Sofia fakes annoyance.

"Are you sure? I think you should go first."

"Nope, it's all right. You go" She smiled Softly. Her hair catches the light from the ballroom and it shines.

" Princess Sofia. I've been in love with you ever since we were 10."I slide myself off of the bench and onto one knee. Reaching into my pocket for the ring box. 


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I'm shocked when instead of kissing me or extending her hand she reaches up and unclasps her necklace? The tiny silver chain and ring were hidden by her amulet. When she pulls off the silver chain I get a better look at the ring.

 When she pulls off the silver chain I get a better look at the ring

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"I was going to ask you the same question."Her words pop up in between her laughs.

I climb back onto the bench. Sitting closer to her this time. I slide the ring on her finger then she does the same to mine.

I stare into her eyes for a long time. Then my gaze flits down to her lips, then back up to her eyes forming a silent question. I hear her breath hitch. But she moves closer to me anyway. I put my hand in the small of her back. My other hand finding its way into her curls. Our noses bump.

Just as I start to close my eyes a blinding blue light hits me in the eyes. And I recoil. When I open my eyes again I see that Sofia's amulet is glowing. 

Sofia the protectedWhere stories live. Discover now