Stuffed Animals (Angel x Goober)

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There was an aisle of stuffed animals, both filled with stuffed animals on all shelfs from left to right. There were big ones and small ones, mammals and fish and birds and dinosaurs and animal, real or fake, one could possibly imagine.

And Goober LOVED it.

Angel had taken it to the store, to get as many stuff animals as they wanted. Angel herself liked stuffed animals, but she was content with the stuffed bunny she had had since she was a child. Goober, meanwhile, loved getting new stuffed animals. They never through any away, either.

Angel was wearing tight black patterned leggings, a skirt with a chain, and a green shirt with a cat meme on it. Goober was wearing an oversized rainbow t-shirt, jean shorts, and neon green sneakers.

Goober bounded into the store, and they went straight to the stuffed animal aisles. Goober looked at one bin, but got distracted by some T-rex's. It then got distracted by some T-rex's, it saw some stuffed cats, then some crabs, then pigs. They bounded all over the aisle, looking at all of the types of stuffed animals.

Goober then stopped in the middle of the walkway, stopping to take a breath. "I love the smell of stuffed animals..."

"Me too," Angel grinned. "Do you mind if I go to the art section? There may be some cool colored pencils."

"I don't mind!" Goober replied. "I should maybe just look from left to eight in order..."

"Your decision," Angel said. She readjusted her bag back on her shoulder and walked off.

Goober went back to looking at the animals, stopping in front of the aisle. They were all arranged quite nicely- by their animal class, then their animal orders, then their species. There was a separate section for extinct animals, mostly dinosaurs.

Goober started by looking at the extinct animals. There were even non-dinosaur prehistoric animals. They got a dinosaur that was small and inexplicably shiny. There was a large shark next to it, labeled 'megalodon.' It gasped it and grabbed it.

It then rummaged through that bin, grabbing a sabertoothed tiger. They saw a mesonyx, immediately taking it. Goober never excepted to see a mesonyx stuffed animal, a prehistoric extinct animal that looks a bit like a wolf. Goober hugged their 4 animals tight. They had barely scratched the surface of how many stuffed animals there were. They put one of the T-rex's they were looking at earlier in their cart.

They cheated through their plan to go from left to right, skipping to the reptile section. It loved reptiles. They surveyed them all, and started making happy sounds.

"Hello!" Goober said to them all. It made more happy sounds. They saw a lizard that looked like their own, and took it. They then saw a crocodile, grabbing it. It grouped crocodiles and alligators together, which frustrated Goober.

Goober grabbed one from a gecko bin, another from the lizard bin, and a turtle. Goober gazed at the turtle's remarkable arm details, even though it was quite small in design. Goober then grabbed two snakes, one rattlesnake and one milk snake.

Goober then got a Komodo dragon and put in their cart, then a lizard with beautiful blue patterning. It even saw a tuatara, which it of course grabbed. Tuatara are reptiles much like lizards, even though they come from a different line.

Goober reluctantly left the reptiles moved back to birds. They were a fan of toucans, and grabbed a stuffed one with a beautiful yellow beak, much like a stereotypical one, but still beautiful.

Goober saw a simple bluebird plush and grabbed it, chuckling at its floppy small legs.

Goober went to the other side of the aisle, the mammals. This one had quite a few options, and didn't want to hold back.

Goober grabbed a lion, a tiger, a panther, and two cheetahs. They saw how many plushies were piling up in their cart and giggled softly to itself.

Goober got two cats, one that looked their own at home, and a dog.  They then got a pig.

Goober looked all around, noticing sheep, cows, rabbits.  They grabbed 3 small rat plushies- so the rats could have friends.  There was a large bear plushie which Goober then put in their cart.

Goober noticed that whales and dolphins were in the mammals section, making it happy.  It took a stuffed orca.

Goober also saw a monkey with a long tail and grabbed it.  Goober also saw polar bears, coming in two sizes.  They took one big one and two small ones to be a family.

Goober then took a deer, a raccoon, and an elephant.  Goober squealed when it saw foxes, and grabbed one too.

Lastly, for the mammals, Goober took a wolf, before moving on to fish.

Goober grabbed a fish with long, beautiful gills, not sure of the species.  There were tiny goldfish, and Goober grabbed two of those as well.

Goober then eyed the sharks, and quickly went over to them.  Of course, they had to get a great white.  After that, a hammerhead.

They grabbed a manatee and a manta ray, before going to the amphibians.

There weren't many in this section.  It grabbed an axolotl firstly, before scanning the rest.  Like reptiles, Goober really liked amphibians.

It then grabbed a spotted salamander, and a yellow frog.  They then saw a beautiful blue spotted frog, and grabbed it too.

Goober looked at their cart and widened their eyes at all the animals- but didn't feel the need to put any back, or stop.  This was their day to overspend.

There was a small insects section.  Goober got a ladybug plush, a bee plush, and a spider plush- even though spiders aren't insects.

Goober made a happy sound as they looked at its cart and saw all the animals they had gotten.  They began to push their cart to find Angel, when she arrived in front of them.

"Wow!" Angel proclaimed.  "I don't know what I expected..."

"Me neither," Goober smiled, showing off its gums.  "Let's go check out!"

Angel had a drawing pad and some pencils under her arm.  "I already have a drawing book but... whatever."

"No judgment here!" Goober giggled.

They got to the checkout line.  The worker's eyes widened.  "Wow- someone likes stuffed animals, huh."

"They're mine," Goober smiled, happy about their collection.

"Cool!" The worker said, beginning to scan them.  "You're gonna need a lot of bags."

Angel had wanted to use reusable bags, but they didn't have the money for it, so they had to use plastic.  They both watched as the worker scanned every item, then put it in a bag.

Eventually he finished, and Angel and Goober were able to take all their bags out.  They put them in the backseat of the car.

"The animals you got are so cute," Angel grinned. 

"I know right!" Goober said, before Angel put their car in drive and drove home.

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