chapter 33 fairy tail world part 1

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Chapter start: October/9/2021


It's been 2 years now as some of the riders were in the building they build together as y/n called it metsboujinrai. Of course, y/n know that they have to file out lots of paperwork for the magic council's to proof of them that they are not a bad guild or people. They were able to finish out the paperwork with the help of nabiki of course as they make cologne the first master. Salem didn't feel like being the master of the guild as she want to spend her time helping amber and lulu with there maiden power's more. After the magic council's approve of them of a good guild, y/n give cologne a small earpiece and walkie-talkie.

Y/n did this so that he can talk to cologne as will as listening of what the magic council's are saying right now. After listen to everything they say, y/n told cologne that they should work with the magic council's as to what jobs they give them. After a while of talking to them and to why, they allow the metsboujinrai to work with them as will as giving them different job. Some jobs were jobs that wizard couldn't finish or do and other ones that were ss or decade class quest. Those ss-class or decade jobs were given to y/n as he, azu and penny went to do it as the riders try to go with them to help.

Y/n told them that he, azu and penny would be find on there own as they were unsure but trust in him and azu and penny to do the job on there own. After two years of doing of ss-class and decade quest, they were able to complete them all as this shock every member of the magic council's. Therefore, there guild was know all over flore as they do all the most ss-class and decade jobs that no wizard couldn't do at all in there life. Right now, y/n, azu, and penny were on a train taking them to there next job as the was a decade quest as the magic council's send it to there guild. The magic council's told them that the person who ask for help help needs help now as they were on the train for 3 days now as they were close to there stop as they talk.

Y/n: "look throw window" penny, can you read the request again.

Penny: sure thing y/n. "Took out request paper" it says here that there's a giant beast that is the size of a tree is attacking there village every once a week.

Azu: "took request" it also said that the beast eats a few of the villagers and the food supplies of there's as they are having a hard time of growing them.

Penny: "took request back" the beast been doing this to them for almost 10 years now as they some how hide from the beast as will as giving it lots of food.

Azu: "look at y/n" lots of wizard try to stop and kill the beast but were all killed. Because of this, the magic council's put it as a sensory quest as no wizard guild couldn't do.

Penny: "put request away" now the village chief and his people can't take it anymore do they raise there reward up more and begging to stop this monster.

Ark: "came out" they probably can't stand it anymore for that beast is killing there people and there food supplies.

Y/n continues to look outside as he just hum as the humangears girls know that he was thinking about the people of the village. Y/n have a calm look on his face but inside his angry of the lost of family and friends the villagers lost over the past 10 years.

~~the next day~~

The 3 of them finally made it to there stop as they got off the train as they walk towards the village as it will take about 30 min to get there. Before they go to the village, they stop half way as y/n eyes turn red as black-red kanji was around his waist as the ark driver appear. Penny put on her raid riser on her waist as azu put took out the zero-one driver as it was a regular one as they took out there progrise key.

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