chapter 12 new weapons, power, Kamen Raidā Kūga, and 'on no'! part 1

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'Ranma 1/2 season 1 episode 8 school is a battlefield! Ranma vs ryoga' part 1


In a forest we see ryoga was walking as he have bruised on him (not that much) as he was crushing some walnut in he's hand.

Ryoga: "thinking" ranma. I will have my revenge against you! It was you who destroyed my life. I'm going to crush your windpipe just like this walnut. Just you wait and see, ranma. "Crush walnut and drop them" and you y/n tendo, that attack you give me. That 8 trigram 64 palms attack, I didn't move my body of mine for 8 hours and a half. Once I crush ranma your next y/n to be crush by my hands!

Ryoga was see at a cliff as he look at the land as he shouted y/n and ranma names loudly before the cliff lossend as the there was a sigh that says LOOSE GRAVEL on it as he give a weak shout of y/n and ranma names.

~~at the tendo house~~

Ranma and y/n was seen as girls again as they finish fighting of some more of jackal (y/n) Invading horseshoe crab as they wear tired as they sit outside of the house. Akane and nabiki were in the living room as nabiki was reading some books and snacks as akane was putting some Band-Aid on g/n who got hurt a little.

Ranko: man that jackal really wont to get rid of us huh? "Look at g/n" are you ok g/n? That last attack of that horse crab really hurt you.

G/n: I'm find ranko it's just a scratch and yes, metal ark did say she really wont to get rid of us. So she made there armor harder to destroyed.

Akane: "finish putting on Band-Aid" there you should be find for now.

G/n: "putting on a shirt" thanks akane, anyways she been sending more of them for a while now.

Ranko: yeah last time she send 8 of them, now she just send in 10 this time.

Akane: not only that but there armor are more harder to hit. Maybe you girls should ask metal ark to get more stronger weapons or armor.

Nabiki: akane, you can't find metal ark he find you and isn't he business doing his job right now? How are you going to find him if he just dissapeared as no one knows were he is at.

Akane: "stick her tongue out and look at ranko" ranko.

Ranko: "look at her" huh?

Akane: it's about ryoga, you're sure there's no other reasons hes mad at you?

Ranko: "thinking out loud" hmm. Will it's not about the bread feud at school, then...

G/n: "fake confused" bread? What does bread have to do with anything?

Ranko explain about how he went to a all boy school as the lunch lady would throw the last bread as ryoga was angry at him for it. Akane then said that a bread wasn't a big deal as g/n agreed with her as ranko said the same thing. He then explain again about how he was able get the last bread as she names all the different breads that was the last one of the day.

G/n: "fake blank stare and sweat-drop" ok, that will definitely make someone mad for getting the last bread of the day everytime alright. If I was in his shoe I would really be mad at you alright but if isn't that then what is he so mad about?

Ranko: I don't know g/n, I don't know. "Hear footsteps an and look" hmm.

They look to see kasumi and penny who was carrying a box that look heavy and a letter on kasumi hand and hot water on the other for ranko and g/n.

Kasumi: ranko, here's a letter for you. It's from someone named Hibiki.

Penny: "putting down the heavy box" And this box have your name and g/n name on them as will.

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