Chapter 36

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I woke up and, not because of my alarm, because someone is jumping on my bed. No, that's 3 people. I rolled over and opened my eyes and saw Adam, Crawford, and Karisma bouncing on my bed. "What the hell guys." I said while putting a pillow over my head. Adam gasped and said, "ooooohhhhhh I'm telling mom." And we all just laughed, "Seriously though, why? School isn't for another," I glance at the clock, "4 hours?! Guys really?!" Crawford laughed and I sat up, "how are you up this early?"

"Honestly I have no idea, this whole thing was Kizzy and Adam's idea."

Then Adam said, "mostly Kizzy."

"Really Karisma?" I said annoyed, she knows I don't wake up earlier than I have to. "Oohh going real name on me?" I glared at her and laid back down, but they started bouncing again. "GUYS!" I said loudly, but not loud enough to wake my parents. "C'mon!" Crawford said dragging me out of bed, "Fine, but you're carrying me." He laughed and picked me up.

"Where are we going?" I asked extremely confused. It's 3:30 in the morning.

"To get food."

"Why at 3:30 in the morning?"

"Because why not?"


"We're also going paint balling." I looked up at him excitedly, "I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!" I love paintball! It hurts like crazy but it's so worth it, I stay in Crawford's arms until we get to a restaurant. I'm assuming it's a fast food place because of the smell, I hop out of Crawford's arms and lean into his side. He puts his arm around me and I just order a fruit smoothie with a parfait. Everyone else gets, like, full on breakfasts.

We finish eating and head to the paintball arena. "What about Chris?" Kizzy asked, "He's there, how do you think we rented it?" Crawf replied and Karisma nodded. I was extremely tired, but paintball will definitely wake me up. We get to the place and start to gear up. We decide on teams, I went with Crawf, duh, and Kizzy went with Adam. Chris was there all night so he decided not to play and fell asleep in the lobby area.

In the arena were paint covered walls and lots of obstacles. I start to get scared and my adrenaline starts pumping, paintball is scary! But it's so fun! Crawf and I take off and hide behind am obstacle. The timer goes off indicating that we can start shooting now. Crawf and I stay low and look for Kizzy and Adam, we find them and hide behind obstacles. We hear them taking, but only slightly, "Where did they go?" "This place isn't that big" "I fxscbku I fds them somewhere." I slightly peek over the obstacle and their backs are facing us, Crawf and I start shooting and I hit Adam in the back and Crawf but Kizzy in her thigh. We start laughing and run as they start chasing us.

Paintball was fun, but now it's time to head to school! We were there for a while, so we have to go to school in our paint covered sweats and t-shirts. Oh well. Lots of explaining will happen today.

We all walk into the school laughing and immediately get weird looks. Good thing Crawf had a plan with the backpacks: Chris already had them at the place, we just grabbed and ran. "That was amazing!" Kizzy yelled and we all agreed, Riley came up to me and gave me a weird look. "What happened to you guys?" She asked and we started laughing. "Paintball plus 4:00 am and 4 teenagers equals a mess." I said and started walking to my locker.
SORRY IT'S SHORT ! I'm tired and not supposed to be on my phone but I'll try and work on the next chapter tomorrow ! Thanks guys for reading cause I really am not that good 😁

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