Chapter 20

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"Okay guys! We give up" Brent yells. "This isn't fun anymo-" Kizzy starts but stops when she sees us on the couch. Crawford and I start laughing and Kizzy stands at the top of the stairs with wide eyes and then she starts laughing. Everyone else comes to see what she's laughing at. "Seriously?!" Brent yells while laughing. "What the FRICK?!"

After that we all watched more movies. Everyone wanted to watch a scary movie but me so they did anyway. "Don't worry, I'll protect you" Crawford said giggling and putting his arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his waist. Brent sat with Lexie again and Chris and Kirsten sat next to each other throwing popcorn back-and-forth. Adam was sitting next to Kizzy and he had his arm around her. "Crawford..." I whisper and he looks down at me. I nod towards Adam and Kizzy and Crawford tries to hold in a laugh.

The movie finally starts and I hold Crawford tighter. Crawford laughs and kisses my head. "Don't worry, it's just a movie and I'm here" he says rubbing my shoulder and I relax a little.

The scary stuff starts happening and Kizzy, Lexie, and I are the only ones that scream or jump. Crawford laughs every time I scream. "Why are you so scared?" He laughs, "it's just a movie." "But it's a SCARY movie" I say with my head buried in his side. Lexie is holding Brent and he's just laughing at her and Kizzy has he head in Adam's neck and holding him tightly. He may be my twin, but I'm 2 minutes older. It's just weird seeing my little brother with a girl. He never shows interest! Then again, Chris and Kirsten and probably the same way about Crawford and I. I was thinking and forgot about the movie when something screamed and jumped out in the movie and it scared me so bad that I jumped up and wrapped my arms around Crawford's neck. He starts laughing, "you're such a scaredy cat" he laughs. "Shut up" I say, my voice is muffled because my head is in my arms that are wrapped around his neck. "You're my scaredy cat though" he says and rubs my back. I unwrap my arms from his neck and go back to his side and he puts his arm around me again.

After the movie I'm too scared to get up. "Ness it's okay. I'm here" Crawford said trying to get me to stand up. I shake my head no. "We can sleep down here?" He suggests and I bolt up off the couch. "NOPE!" I exclaim and Crawford laughs taking my hand. We walk up to his room and I run to his bed since I'm already in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Crawford comes back from the bathroom wearing a black t-shirt and gray sweatpants and then crawls in bed next to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. "Goodnight, Princess" he says before kissing my forehead. "Night hobo" I say giggling before I kiss his cheek and he smirks. I poke his dimple and then cuddle up to him and fall asleep.
Sorry I didn't update for a while ! I was busy cause of work on Sunday and school and gymnastics Monday so . But if you're reading still then THAAAAANKS !

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