Chapter Sixteen

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I wake up to my alarm playing Buckwild and buzzing under my pillow. I try to sit up but something stops me. Oh yeah, Crawford's here. I look at him and smile. I slowly grab my phone from under my pillow to shut my alarm off and then take a picture of him sleeping. It's not weird. He opens one eye and smirks at me. "Delete that" he says tiredly. Oh gosh. "Nope" I say poking his dimple and trying to get up. He pulls me back down and holds me close. "Crawford we have to get up for school" I whine. "Let's just skip it. You hated it yesterday" he mumbles with his eyes closed again. "Whatever, just get up" I say pulling his arm off of me and giggling. I walk to the bathroom and do my regular morning routine. I go back to my room and Crawford is gone. I turn around and he grabs me and hugs me, it freaked me out for a second but then relaxed and hugged him back. "Let's go get foodz" I say pulling away. He follows me down the stairs laughing. "Foodz?" He laughs, I laugh too and walk to the kitchen. I get the cereal and pour two bowls. "You're such a great cook." Crawford says and I lightly slap his arm and he laughs and hugs me.

After breakfast Crawford goes home to change and I go to my room. I pick a baby pink tank top with a blue and pink flannel and dark wash jeans. I put on a blue beanie and went downstairs. Crawford was back. "How did you get in here?" I ask. "Same way I got in last night." I didn't even think about that... "Spare key" he shrugs. Oh yeah... I told him where it was. "Anyway, ready to go?" I ask hopping off the stairs. "Yeah" Crawford says getting off the couch. I put on black converse and grab my backpack and we start walking. Crawford puts his arm around me and then looks at me, "you look beautiful today" he says smirking. "Nah," I say blushing, "but thank you" I said looking down. "Don't deny it, I'll just argue" he says. "Whatever" I say rolling my eyes

We get to school and I get nervous again. I grab a fist full of Crawford's shirt while my other hand is around his back. I don't want to go in. Crawford puts his arm around me and forces me to walk in. "It'll be fine." We walk into the school and go to the office. "Can I help you?" The same lady from yesterday asks. "Mrs. Brown, may I request to change my first and third period classes to the same as Ness'?" He asks politely. I slowly release his shirt from my fist and grab his arm. "Why is this, Mr. Collins? If this is just because she's your little girlfriend then I have to deny your request." She says surprisingly politely. Crawford then goes on to explain what happened yesterday and I show her the notes Alexia through at me, also she could clearly see the bruise on my face, I didn't bother covering it. "Oh my..." She says in a shocked sigh. "I thought Alexia was one of our best students?" She says in a confused voice. She turns on a microphone thing and then says, "Alexia Richmond to the office please, Alexia Richmond." I look at Crawford and grab his arm tighter. He pulls me in to a hug and takes me over to sit down and then Alexia walks in. She stops once she sees us. "What. Did you. Do." She says angrily looking at me. I hold on to Crawford tighter and shake my head. "It isn't what she did, it's what you did." Crawford said pointing at my jaw. Her eyes got wide, "I... Can explain?" She says. "The security cameras caught it all. No need for explaining." She glares at me and mouths two words to me that no one likes to hear. "Ms. Richmond, you are being suspended until a later notice. You will be escorted from the premises." Mrs. Brown says while pressing the button. "And as for you, Mr. Collins, I will allow the class changes considering you mentioned promising her mother that you would protect her." She says when two teachers come in to escort Alexia away. "Thank you, ma'am" Crawford says as we walk out. Crawford grabs my hand and we start walking down the hall.

We run into Crawford's friends and they talk for a while. Good thing we got here early... "So did you tell her yet?" One says motioning towards me. "Tell me what?" I ask nervously. "Crawford's kinda famous." He says elbowing Crawford. I look at him confused and he smirks while pulling out his phone, he shows me his vine account and I gasp. Holy crap. "My life is basically on vine and twitter. How have I never noticed this?" I say. "I don't know, but I'm glad you didn't. I'm glad you found me and liked me for who I am, not the famous Crawford Collins" he says as he hugs me. I won't think of him differently, he's still my dorky Crawford. "Have you told your followers yet?" I ask him. "Umm, no..." He says. "But it should be a picture! Of you and I." I smile, but then it quickly fades. What if his followers don't like me? What if I get a ton of hate for this? What if I mess up his career? "But what if I mess everything up?" I ask him, I don't want to cry but my eyes start burning. "I'm willing to take that risk" he says grabbing my hands. "Awww come on, don't get all sappy." One of his friends says laughing. Crawford slings his arm around my shoulder. "Well, I'll catch you guys later." He says to his friends and we walk our separate ways. His locker is down the hall and around the corner from mine so he leaves me for a split second and I already start getting bullied. "So you're dating Crawford?" Some blonde girl with way too much makeup and a skimpy outfit says to me. "Yes, and is that a problem?"
"Uhh, yeah? Every girl in this school wants him!"
"Then I guess I'm the lucky one, cause he wants me back" I snap at her
"I don't see why. You're not pretty, you dress like you're hiding something"
"I dress like this because I respect myself! I could show my body if I wanted to but I don't! It's my style and your slutty opinion won't change it!" I yell and storm away. She follows me and pushes me down. "Oh I'm the slut?!" She yells at me. "Yes, you are" Crawford. Thank God. He comes over and helps me up, I look at him and tears start forming in my eyes. I want to go home. He grabs my face and kisses me in front of everyone. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms are around my waist. I hear some girls say "Awww" "how cute!" Or "Relationship goals" but some are scoffing and gasping. "You don't deserve him" the same girl said as Crawford pulled away. "If anything I don't deserve her." Crawford says grabbing my waist and walking to the first class as the bell finally rings.

I'll try and update tomorrow but if you're still reading thank you cause I suck :p

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