Chapter 31

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We got to the airport and waited. I had my head on Crawford's shoulder and started falling asleep but- crap. I sat up quickly and grabbed my backpack, "where are you going?" Crawford asked worriedly. "Bathroom." I replied while walking quickly.

Great. Now, out of all the other times it could've happened. Thanks mother nature. Luckily, I caught it before much happened, always stay prepared. I'm sure you all know what happened, so I'll spare you the details. I walked out of the bathroom but I started getting cramps. Really bad cramps. I walked back to Crawford and sat down, "you okay?" He asked, I had a feeling he knew what just happened. I nodded yes and laid my head on his shoulder again. UGH. Why now?! And about 5 hours on a plane. Thanks Mother Nature.

"Ness, you're not okay. Is it..." Crawf trailed off not wanting to say the word. I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me. "Do you want anything?" He offered but I shook my head no, "No, just hold me." I said and he laughed. "Flight 213 is boarding now, flight 213." Some lady said over the speaker, I sat up and Crawford grabbed our bags, "I can take my bag, Crawf. I'm fine." I said but he shook his head, "not in your condition, what if it makes it worse and you, like, blee-" "OKAY!" I said cutting him off, "I'm fine but okay, just don't talk about it." I said giggling and he smiled back, that smile, the dimple. Kiss me please.

We got to the plane and took our seats, "you can sit?" Has he not paid any attention to his sisters? "Yes? Crawf it's fine. I can deal with it, it's not my first rodeo." I said and he laughed.
*after the flight cause it's boring*
We landed and got our bags, Mrs. Collins was picking us all up from the airport so we waited. I rested my head on Crawf's shoulder, the cramps got worse and I feel like if someone stabbed my arm it would hurt less. We saw Mrs. Collins and stood up. She came over and hugged all of us, "Hiii!" She said doing that weird mom thing where they drag out the 'i'. "Hey Mrs. Collins!" I said hugging her back, "Please, call me Stacey, or mama Collins, whichever." I nodded. "So, how was tour?" She asked, "Good." We all replied in unison. "You look tired, hun. You okay?" She asked looking at me worriedly, "I'm fine." I said smiling. But on the inside it felt like my organs were having their own hunger games. Crawf grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek, he's the sweetest.

We told Stacey all about tour, minus the Brent encounters. She didn't know, best to keep it that way. We got to the Collins house, but Crawf walked me home because I needed to see my family and deal with the cramps. "Are you okay?" He said taking both of my hands and facing me, "Honestly? No," I laughed, "I feel like my insides are trying to kill each other." I said and he pulled me into a hug. "If you need me text me or something. I'm only across the street." He said while kissing my forehead. He let go of my hands and opened the door for me, "NESS!" My mom said running to me, she hugged me tightly, "how was it?" She asked excitedly. "It was fun!" I said, she glanced at Crawford, "you didn't do anything stupid, did you?" She asked with a stern look, "Nononono not at all." I said waving my hands in front of me. "Good, you look tired." She said tilting her head, I gave her "the look" and she nodded. "Well, you might wanna go see your family, Crawford." She said smiling at him, "You too, Mrs. Blaze." He said while waving and pecking my cheek. He walked out and I ran upstairs to see my brother.

"YOOOO!" I yelled, barging in to his room. "NESS!" He yelled getting up to hug me, "I heard about Brent being humiliated, are you okay? Do I need to beat him up? Did Crawford protect you?" Dang, enough questions. "I'm fine, Crawf took care of it. Now spill: what happened with you and Kizzy while I was gone." I said bouncing up and down on my knees, on his bed. "We're dating." He said shyly, "AAAWWWWWW!" I exclaimed, teasing him. "Yeah yeah." He said blushing. I laughed and walked out of the room.

On the tour I got to see Alyssa. I MISSED HER. She just sent me some pictures we took together,
A: I miss you already:(
N: I knooowwww you have to come here
A: I'll try during summer break!
N: YAY! Well I gotta go. It's late
A: oh yeah, time zones :/
N: sorry , Night :p
A: night ugly
N: :( 😒😂

It was about 11:00 and I couldn't sleep. Crawf and I went back to school tomorrow already, they wouldn't give us any more time than the tour. I couldn't sleep because ow. I took painkillers but that didn't help. I called Crawford, he offered so why not?

C: "Hello?"
He didn't even sound tired.
N: "Hey"
C: "What's up? Are you okay?"
N: "No..."
C: "Okay, I'll be over in a bit."
Then he hung up.

A while later someone knocked on the door. I ran downstairs and opened the door; Crawford had chocolate, his laptop, and movies. Holy crap I love him. He walked in and kissed my head. We went up to my room and he set everything down and hugged me, "I didn't know what to do, but this is what they do in movies." He said, "you're so cheesy." I said sarcastically while going to lay in bed. Crawford crawled in next to me and set up a laptop that started playing Nemo. YESSS! He held me and I was as close as possible to him. About 40 minutes in I started falling asleep, Crawford kissed the top of my head, "goodnight, princess." He said, I smiled and fell asleep.
I know periods aren't want you want to read about but I really wanted to do a cute thing like that 😂 but anyway thanks for reading !

Somebody's Heartbreak (A Crawford Collins Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon