Chapter 34

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I woke up still on the couch in Crawford's arms. I have to go back to that hell-hole today, ugghh. I slowly slid off of Crawf's lap and went outside. I walked across the street to my house and opened the door. My mom was awake before 12:00, that's rare? She looked at me and came over and hugged me. I cried on to her shoulder, "what happened?" She asked and I froze, should I tell her about Brent? I can't explain why Crawf was sorry unless I mention Brent.

I spilled.

I told her everything. She's my mom, she deserves to know. She sat there with her hand over her mouth, "I knew Crawford was a good kid..." She said rubbing my arm, "you're not mad?"

"About Brent? Oh of course I'm mad. He touched my baby! But Crawford was there. I trust him."

"Even after Alexia?"

"Wasn't his fault. And I need to talk to her parents about that.." She said standing up and going to the phone, probably calling the school, "now go get ready for school and get Crawford." She said and I nodded and ran upstairs. I just wore some dark wash skinny jeans and a hoodie, I have to wear dark jeans because of how thin I am, it just doesn't look right. I go to the bathroom and put my hair in a ponytail, brushed my teeth, and applied my light makeup. I still look like crap but oh well, everyone will just have to deal with the ugly. I walked downstairs and back over to Crawford's, I left my backpack and phone there anyway. When I walked in Kizzy was starring at Crawford poking his face, I laughed and asked, "What are you doing?" She laughed back and said, "Trying to wake him up, why does he look so bad?" She said looking at me, I sighed and told her we got into an argument but we fixed it all. She nodded and proceeded to poke Crawford.

"Here, let me try." I said and she backed up, I leaned down and lightly kissed Crawf on the cheek and he smirked and opened one eye. "Get up, we have to go back to that hell-hole called school." I said standing back up, he groaned and sat up, he opened his arms and I hugged him. He hugged me tight and pulled me down on the couch with him, "Crawf noooo! You have to get up!" I said giggling, he laughed and let go of me while getting up, he went upstairs to get ready and Kizzy and I caught up, "Hey, why don't you and Crawf come see a movie with Adam
and I tonight?" She said bouncing on the couch, "Sure! Sounds fun! Just text me or something and Adam and I will come over." I said agreeing to her invite, she nodded as Crawf walked down the stairs. He was wearing skinny jeans and a hoodie with a black beanie, he must've been too tired and lazy also. He walked over to me and rested his arms on my shoulders. "C'mon lover boy, we gotta go." I said laughing, I grabbed my backpack and phone and walked out the door with Crawf's hand in mine.

We got to school and I, once again, hesitantly walked in. I was greeted by Riley, "Hey! You look a little better today! How's everything?" She said looking from my to Crawf. I held up our intertwined hands and she squealed, "I'm glad everything is good now!" She said and I started walking off to my locker with her and Crawf. Riley's locker was two away from mine, and Crawf's was around the corner. I went to open my locker but something fell out, a note with a razor blade taped to it that read,
"I'll get him you ugly hoe. Just look at yourself, I'm sure you'll find a good use for this.


I covered my mouth and was about the cry but Riley stopped me. She took the note from my hand and read it, "Does she seriously still think she can get Crawford to like her after all she's done? He never liked her anyway." She said and I nodded, I couldn't talk. She wanted me to cut myself. Crawf walked around the corner and Riley looked at him with wide eyes while handing him the note. He looked up at me and hugged me, "I won't let her. She can't win me." I nodded and hugged him tight. The bell rang and we all headed to the first class. I sat in a middle seat against the wall with Crawf on one side, Riley on the other, and my brother in front of me. I felt safe like this; then Alexia walked in. I tensed up as she sat next to my brother, he looked at her like he was disgusted and she winked. "Sorry, I'm taken." Adam said and she leaned closer, "Doesn't matter." And she winked again, "Can you not hit on every guy you see so you can ride 'em and leave 'em?" Riley said defensively, Alexia gasped and put her hand on her chest, faking being offended. "Me? Sleeping around? Are you sure you're not talking about Ness?" She looked at me with fake sympathy. "For your information, Crawford is the only guy I've technically been with since a stupid little 6th grade boyfriend." I said defensively, it's true though. I've been asked out and crushed on but I saved it. "Ohh, so you're a loner?" She said giggling, "No? But it's way better than a slut." I said and then the teacher walked in.

*Skip to lunch*

Crawford, Riley, Adam, and I all walked to the cafeteria talking. I refused to eat and Riley was surprised, "Why won't you eat?" She asked worriedly, "you're skinny enough!" I just giggled, "I just don't like the food here. Calm down." She nodded and continued eating. I laid my head on Crawford's shoulder and closed my eyes. Someone grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me off of him and through me to the ground. Crawford stood up along with Riley and Adam, I have no idea what just happened. My eyes finally focused and of course Alexia was standing above me. She went in for a punch but I did a forward roll away from her, and they said gymnastics wasn't self defense. She ran towards me and I did a front handspring over her. This is fun! She ran into a wall and sort of, growled? I guess?

She got up and stomped towards me, "STOP DOING THAT!" She yelled trying to throw a punch at my face, I did a back walkover and ended up kicking her, which I didn't mind, and dodging the punch. "What did I ever do to you, Alexia? As soon as I showed up you started all of this. Why?"

"Maybe because you stole Crawford from me?" She yelled holding her jaw where I kicked her. "I was never yours to be taken." Crawf interrupted and put his arm around me, "By the way, nice moves." He said and grabbed my face to kiss me. Alexia screamed and stormed out of the cafeteria. All the other student in here started clapping and cheering. I guess they were excited Alexia finally got what she deserved.

*After school*

After school, Adam and I went home and started our homework while waiting for Kizzy to text us about the movie.
Sorry I cut it short here ! I'm tired haha . But thanks so so much for reading guys ! I know I'm not the best but I think I have improved a little . Thank you so much !

Somebody's Heartbreak (A Crawford Collins Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz