Chapter 37

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I get my things out of my locker and when I closed it Alexia was standing behind the door. Does she have a life orrr? "Can I help you?" I asked sarcastically, "Yeah, stay away from Crawford."

"Ooohhhh not gonna work, he's my boyfriend, and my neighbor. We also have the same classes."

"I'm warning you. Stay away from him. He's mine."

"When are you going to realize that threatening me and acting like this just makes you less attractive? It makes him want you less!"

She tightens her fist and screams. She tackled me to the ground and pinned my arms down, "You're just mad cause you know it's true." I said calmly, she tried to say something but words wouldn't come out. She punched my face and pulled me to a standing position before slapping me. I just stood there with tears, I'm not gonna fight back. I didn't even mean to cry! It just sorta happened. "HEY!" I heard two people yell, I looked down the hall and Crawford came from his locked and Riley came from the other direction. Riley pulls Alexia away and starts yelling, and Crawford pulls me into a tight hug and I cry on to his shoulder. "I'm sorry I let this happen again." I wrap my arms around his neck and cry harder, it's not his fault.

Alexia runs off and Riley walks over to us with a proud look on her face. "You okay?" She asks me, I shook my head and pulled away from Crawford. Riley gasps and I cover my face with my hands. Crawford grabs my shoulders and turns me around so he can see my face, he pulls my hands away from my face and instantly looks mad. He starts tearing up and clenching his jaw. I hug him again, "Is it that bad?" He just looks at me, "I'm taking you to the nurse."

We get to the nurse and she checks out my face. It's swollen and bruised, great, just what I needed, note the sarcasm. I tell her what happened and who did it and she calls her parents and my parents. Crawford waits with me as the parents arrive, my dad takes one look at my face and the yelling starts, "DID HE DO THIS TO YOU?" He yelled loudly, very loudly, while pointing at Crawford. "NONONONONO he would never! Alexia did it." I said looking down and her parents looked shocked, Alexia then walked in and had the same look, but tried playing innocent.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"I never did that."

"I would never do that."

All. Lies. They pulled up the security camera footage and sure enough, there she was tackling me. "Alexia, why would you do such a thing?" Her mother asked almost in tears, "SHE STOLE CRAWFORD FROM ME!" Alexia yelled. "I wasn't yours to begin with." Crawford said calmly, I squeezed his hand tighter while my face throbbed. "Alexia, you're being expelled from the school. This is the third time you have been reported hurting her because of your "boyfriend" that one; isn't interested and two; was never even yours."

"THIS ISN'T FAIR!" Alexia said as her parents basically dragged her out of the school. "Do you want to go home?" My mom asked sympathetically, "and why are you two covered in paint?" I looked at my clothes and started laughing. Crawford laughed with me as we explained that we went paint balling at 4 in the morning. She rolled her eyes and made sure my face was okay before leaving.

*After school cause school is gross*

Crawf walks me home while holding my hand tightly. He looks like he's on the verge of tears and I get worried, what's wrong with him? "What's wrong?" I ask him and he stops and closed his eyes, tears start running down his face and he pulls me into a hug. "I'm so sorry..."
"You don't need to be, I'm-"
"No. Not for that, for what I'm about to do."
"Crawford...? What's going on?"
"I'm so sorry. I love you so much, but ever since we started dating all you've had was problems. First Alexia, then my fans hating you, and then Brent. I don't want you getting hurt anymore."

My heart broke in to about a million pieces. He grabbed my face and gently kissed me, "I love you, and I can't let you get hurt because of me." He said letting go of my face, I had tears running down my face by now. We walked back to my house in silence. He's not mine anymore
My heart physically hurt
The tears
We got to my house and he opened the door for me. He hugged me tightly one more time, "we can still be friends, right?" I ask him while crying into his chest. "I love you, we can be super-mega-best friends." Gosh dangit! Why? I love him so much. "I love you..." I said squeezing him, "I love you too, we'll be okay." He said and pulled away. I stood on the porch in tears as he walked across the street to his house. I walked inside and shut the door, I slid down against it and sobbed my eyes out.

*Crawford's POV*
I lost her. The best thing that has ever happened to me. I walked in my house and slid down against the door, I put my face in my hands and started crying more. But I couldn't let her get hurt anymore because of me.
THIS WAS HARD TO WRITE TBH . I almost cried 😂 but just pretend the rest of the day happened and they went to sleep , okay ? Okay . 😂😂

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