Chapter 32

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I woke up before Crawford, once again. It was 6:00am and school was at 7:30. Ugghhhh. I rolled out from Crawford's grip and on to the floor, "Hey.." Crawford whined tiredly and sitting up. "School." I said, still on the floor. I stood up and walked to my closet, I stood there starring. Can't I just wear sweatpants? I felt Crawford wrap his arms around me and lay his head against my back, right below my neck. I reached up and grabbed a mint green tank top and dark wash skinny jeans with a blue and pink cardigan. My style is weird.

Crawford went home to get ready, so I started my makeup. Just eyeliner and mascara with some lipgloss. I went downstairs and grabbed an apple from the fridge (I like cold apples) when Crawf walked in. He hugged me and I stood in his arms still eating my apple. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded while throwing away the core. I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my backpack, and Crawford's hand and we walked outside.

We walked to school and talked about tour. "I'm sorry," Crawf said looking down, "I should've been there for you."
"Crawf, it's fine, stop apologizing."

"But if he hurt you it would-"

"Crawford! I'm fine! Stop worrying about it!"

"But if you got hurt it would've been my fault!"

He let go of my hand

"Sorry for wanting to protect you."
And with that he walked away

I continued the walk to school alone. Crawford went ahead and was there already... I stopped in front of the school and didn't want to go in, Crawford isn't here to hold me. I have to just do it. I walked in and some girl that I've seen around school ran up to me, "Did you and Crawford break up?" She sounded concerned. What's happening. "No? Why? What's wrong?" Her eyes widened, "umm," my heart sank, something's up, "Please tell me?" She grabbed my wrist and walked to the back of the school. We looked through the windows and there he was: My boyfriend, talking to the one-and-only Alexia. I turned around and covered my face and slid down against the wall, "I'm so sorry," the girl said sitting next to me. "By the way, my name is Riley." She said smiling.

*Crawford's POV*
I got to school by myself and as soon as I walked in Alexia was in front of me. "So where's your little slut?" She said, dang it I hate her. "She's not a slut and we got in to an argument, now leave me alone." I said while trying to walk away from her but she followed me, "Well, are you available?" I tried to walk away again because, honestly, I had no idea. "Hmm, so that's a yes?" She said grabbing my wrist. I didn't respond or fight back, I didn't care. I just wanted to hold Ness again.

She dragged me to the back of the school and started going on and on about stuff, I wasn't even listening. I left Ness. I can't believe I did that. I'm a horrible boyfriend.

*Ness' POV*
I had first period with Riley, Crawford, and my brother. I sat next to Riley because I didn't feel like facing Crawford. My brother sat in front of me and turned around, "what's wrong?" He said and I shook my head. Crawford walked in with Alexia and my heart sank. They were freaking holding hands. I covered my face with my hands and started crying, Crawford looked at me and his eyes widened. My brother looked at him and tried to stand up but I pulled him down. Riley looked at me and mouthed the words 'I'm so sorry'. I nodded and then class started.

By third period I was tear stained and pale. "Girlie, we need to get you cleaned up." Riley said, I just nodded and followed her to the bathroom. I got out makeup wipes and my eyeliner and mascara. I started wiping my face when, OH JOY, Alexia walks in. "Oh, you poor thing." She says so sarcastically you can almost smell it, "Please just leave me alone..." I said quietly trying not to cry again, "Awww, is the poor thing ruined now because her boyfriend is with me now?" My knees gave out and I just cried, "Ness!" Riley yelled while dropping to the floor with me. She hugged me, "how can you do this to her?! You already hurt her enough! Can you not see how much Crawford meant to her?!" Riley yelled, "Then why did he pick me?" I started full on sobbing. "Ness it's okay, is there someone I can call?" I nodded and handed her my phone, "Your parents?" I shook my head no. I took my phone and dialed a number and handed it back to her. There's only person I want to see right now, and that's Chris.
OoOoOoOoOo Drama 😏 I'll work on the next chapter ASAP ! Thanks for reading though guys !

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