Start from the beginning



I did hear that right--- right..?

She said the other kids... avoided her?

But that teacher-- her teacher literally said she chose not to spend time with the other kids...

"My first day there, everyone knew me as the girl who came from.. hmm... what did they call it..? a dead-beat family." Lily began explaining, "I would hear the other kids parents tell them not to talk to me... To stay away from me because they knew my dad... and what he did.... and also what brother did."

"...what did your dad do exactly?"

"I'm not sure." She shrugged, "Though... whenever I would come home with brother, he would always make sure I covered my eyes when walking through the hallways. We'd be very quiet- just in case any bad people showed up..."

Even though Lily's face wasn't as expressional than others, I still was able to see that she was somewhat enjoying these memories... she seemed slightly happy when reminiscing these... sad memories.

"I never knew what happen in the hallways, but I always heard loud voices in the other rooms. So- I assumed my parents were arguing... at times, I think things were being thrown around..." She told me, "Brother always managed to stop the noises though- that usually made me happy..."

The more she spoke, the more my heart would tighten.. Every word out of her mouth made me feel more and more sad.

It made me start wondering...

Did she live in fear? Did she cry in her room whenever she was alone? Did she ever thought about running away? Whenever Aiden wasn't there with her... what would happen?

The way Lily acts now is probably because of Aiden. There's no way someone with her maturity would be able to properly comprehend these kind of situations.
Most children her age wouldn't be so calm explaining such... horrible memories.

"But.. yes. I don't know much else other than that. Maybe the other kid's parents didn't like how loud my dad is. I never liked it either, so I don't blame them." Lily mutters, "...and brother? no one really likes people who get arrested."

Lily is... a troubled child.

The thing she needs most is love and compassion from those around her.

Without that, she'll never be able to function like a proper child. 

"...If you really want me to make friends with the other kids, why don't you teach me?" Lily suggests, snapping me out of my thoughts once more.

"Me? Teach you?" I eyed her questionably, "..I'm probably not the best person to come to for stuff like that- you should ask Luca...between the two of us, she's more of the 'social butterfly'. I'm not always willing to talk to other people."

Lily nods.
"..I'll ask her later then."




"Heyy! I found it!!" Luca says, bursting into the room.

She then tosses me a small pile of clothes.

"Here, Y/N. Put these on!"

I sloppily caught the falling clothes.

"It's the best outfit I could pick out for you." Luca tells me, "...I think it's one of the best I have-- at least the best one I have for you."

Is it..?

"So... get changed! I wanna see!!" She ushers me.

Out of curiosity I look what I assumed was a a hoodie Luca had handed to me.

Missing Files {Tommyinnit X Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now