where i truly belong | kenny omega

Start from the beginning

they made you laugh until tears were streaming down your cheeks and made you smile to the point of your cheeks hurting, but you thought that it was the best feeling in the world. all in all, you thought that they seemed to be a wholesome, positive group. one that you didn't mind spending more time with.

after some time, this lead to you officially joining the dark order.

kenny took notice of this and was a bit frustrated by the fact that you chose to join the dark order over choosing to join the elite, especially when he offered you to do so a handful of times. still, he understood. when you said that you didn't want to join his group because of the inevitable nepotism comments, he understood. there's still a selfish, jealous side to him, though. he is only human. aside from that, your relationship is as strong as ever. you guys still ride to the hotel with each other, spend plane rides with each other and everything. not much has changed. the movie nights, intimate nights, gossip nights amongst others were still there. the both of you were able to separate your personal life from your work lives, which is something that is absolutely crucial in your line of work, especially with couples like you and kenny who not only work in the same industry, but also in the same company.

over the course of the past few months, somehow, you miraculously managed to stay away from the dark order-the elite drama, opting to stay in the background. whenever you and hangman page were in the same room, you still talked to him the way you always did, but you never talked business with him. luckily, he didn't want to talk business with you either. pleasant conversation never strayed from how your daily life was going. he didn't want to talk about how his daily life was going either and you didn't push him. the most you got out of him that was about him was the new brand of liquor he picked up and was enjoying, and how his dogs were going. he was more than happy to tell you how his pets are going, and you're more than happy to listen to him.

as they say though, all good things must come to an end. as stakes got higher and tensions with the elite started to rise, so did the tension between you and your groupmates.

after a particular promo that may or may not have crossed a line, the dark order went back to their lair uncharacteristically angry and silently. even john silver was just trailing behind uno with this arms crossed. you could hear their heavy breathing and could practically see the steam coming out of their ears.

you didn't know how to react or what to say. while you really did feel for the dark order, the elite are your friends. their leader is your boyfriend and best friend, what were you supposed to say? so you said nothing and sat down in your usual spot and awkwardly looked down, fiddling with your fingernails.

uno was the one to speak up, breaking the deafening silence. "you know you can't always stay neutral, right?"

you knew you couldn't, but that didn't mean you weren't willing to try. really, throughout this whole feud, you planned to just stand behind them and not get involved, hang out with them the way you always do, then hang out with the elite the way you always have five years ago. you didn't want anything to change because if they did, you knew you had to pick a side and more than anything else, the fact that it was so easy for you to decide between the elite and the dark order pained you.

"yeah, i know." you didn't move from your current state. your shoulders were still hunched and you were still avoiding eye contact, finding the floor much more interesting than anything else.

things moved so fast. you went from peacefully talking to evil uno, then all of a sudden, voices were being raised, and fingers were being pointed and they were mostly pointed at you. you didn't like that at all. you despised the lack of understanding they were giving you. maybe it was simply heat of the moment, or maybe it wasn't. maybe that's how they actually felt about you when they didn't feel like putting on happy faces to keep you in their family, but in one sentence, the answer to that didn't matter anymore because they gave you an ultimatum.

it was them or the elite. they said you had to chose a side eventually, why don't you chose a side now? they gave you a week to think about that.

now a week was up. in the past seven days, you've felt around the dark order to see where you stand with them after the fight and while you were doing that, you still went to the weekly elite brunches and interacted with them as normal. the only thing though was that they were aware of the dark order drama regarding you that was going on behind the scenes.

at first, they were livid with the group. they, your friends of so many years, people you've travelled the world with, understood you when you decided to join their group instead of theirs but the fact that they, people you weren't that close with but still chose, can't understand you? they hated that. they were the ones begging you to join them in the first place. they thought the way they were acting was highly entitled. however, when you told them they gave you an ultimatum, their anger turned to glee. they grinned at each other, malice crystal clear in their smiles.

tonight is going to be a very important night for both the dark order and the elite. they were going to have a match against each other. if the dark order won, they would get a shot at matt and nick's tag team championship, but most importantly, hangman would have a match against kenny omega for the aew world heavyweight championship. if they didn't win, then they won't get either shot and hangman's gonna go to the back of the line and is going to have to climb back up the rankings if he wanted to dethrone kenny. it was only fate that this day is also the day where you would be forced to chose between the two teams.

the other members of the dark order was nothing but friendly to you when you entered their lair, casually greeting you with a hug. you could tell that they weren't their usual selves though. they were physically and mentally preparing for the war they're about to go through. you didn't want to get in anyone's way, so much like always, you sat in a corner and pulled out your phone. you only got up when it was time for you and the other members to get into your special black and purple gear - you weren't fighting with them, but you still wanted to show your support - and once more when it was almost time for the match. you didn't have to wait long since it was the opening match.

when you got to the entrance ramps, the elite are already there with their basketballs and in their elite squad costumes. they were stretching and warming up before they spot you and the dark order because then, cocky smirks crept up on their lips. as everyone would expect, the two groups exchanged some words until a stagehand interrupted you and said that the dark order are now going to make their entrance.

from the bits and pieces you've heard about the dark order's game plan, it seemed like everything was going smoothly. neither team had the clear upper hand on the other. even during parts of the match where it looked like the elite were for sure gonna win, they didn't lose hope and kept on fighting. they took the elite to their limits. the amount of heart that they had made the crowd cheer for them and really made everyone think they were going to win, and for a while, that really did seem to be a possibility.

that was until you made your way into the elite's side of the ring and slid in the aew world heavyweight championship, basically handing your boys a weapon. with more members of the elite in the match and you choosing a side, the dark order didn't stand a chance. from there, it was all she wrote. one of the bucks distracted the referee, kenny hit hangman with the belt, bte trigger, one, two, three.

with your friends surrounding you, you felt all of your worries and guilt lift off of your shoulders. fear of nepotism comments flew out of the window. you proved yourself to be more than elite in the time prior to this and you and everyone you knew were well aware that this isn't a case of nepotism. and as for the dark order? they did force you to chose a side and that's exactly what you did.

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