I glance down at his chest and run my finger over him needing something to do. "What if they recommend you need longer than thirty days?" Glancing up at him under my lashes I say more firmly, "I refuse to be the reason you fail. No matter what I will be waiting for you. I love you."

He smiles softly at me, "I love you to Sweetheart." Ryder stares at the ceiling gathering his thoughts. Probably weighing the pros and cons before answering my concerns. "Then I will stay longer," he concedes. "My wellbeing is important. But so is our relationship."

I lay back down next to him and snuggle myself against him. "You're right our relationship is important, but how can we be in a relationship if you are dead. Plus I refuse to be with someone who is using drugs and your current drug use has already put a strain on our relationship."

He kisses the top of my head. "Can't argue with your logic. Now I need manager Aubree." I pretend to switch hats and earn a laugh from him. "How is this going to effect the band?"

"As you know the guys will care more about you getting the help you need versus the band's needs. Currently no tour has been scheduled so we don't have to worry about any of that. And I'm sure I'll more then be able to push back the album release date. Especially with the turn in events at the label."

With Mr. Gear's arrest I'm curious to see what happens next. My fear is too many bands might request a change and leave. Particularly those bands loyal to Mr. Gear and Adam. This could leave the label in a sticky situation. Not to mention we were down a boss, but I'm not too sure he ever did much work.

Ryder nods his head. "Before you do anything can you call the guys up here so we can have a band meeting?"

"Of course," I tell him. This time he lets me leave the bed to grab my phone. I have a ton of messages and missed calls. Most from the guys and Skylar, but even some from the label and Robby. Robby is going to have to wait. I'll call him after.

While remaining standing next to the window I send out a group text to the band and Skylar requesting their presences at the hospital. My phone comes instantly with worried text and I realize my error. I made my text sound like something bad happened to Ryder. Quickly I send out a text explaining all was well Ryder wants to go to rehab, but wishes to have a band meeting.

I slide my phone into my pocket. "All set," I tell him standing next to the bed.

"I want to have everything squared away so when I leave here I'm going directly to a rehab facility," Ryder explains. "This way I'm left with no time to talk myself out of going." I smile proud of Ryder for approaching all of this in a calm manner and making positive decisions. "Guess Ms. Parker you should be shaking down the doctor for a list of those rehabs and making phone calls."

"How about I wait till the guys get here so you can have your meeting? Skylar and I will than find a quite corner and make those phone calls. I'm sure I'll have no problem getting Ryder Clark into a rehab facility."

Ryder and I talk about all our plans for when he gets out and is clean. Ryder's main hope is for us to move in together. I'm not exactly opposed to the idea, but I also don't want to put him through too many changes at once. His rebuttal is we have practically been living together already. My way of getting out of the looming argument is for him to ask me once he graduates the program. This seems to satisfy him because he drops the matter.

Not long after the band members trickle in. Each giving me hell for the scare I put them through. Lucan claims the chair next to Ryder and the engage in a hushed conversation. Dimitri sits on the couch with Skylar in his lap making goo goo eyes at each other. By their demeanor I could tell they had news to share. I eye Skylar's stomach wondering if she's pregnant. Have the next generation of Steel Wolf running around has me giddy. I eye Ryder and he raises a brow at my expression. Laughing to myself I shake my head not wanting to worry him.

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang