Chapter 57

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For once the concert completed without any major problems for which I was grateful and any issues to arise Skylar was more than capable of dealing with leaving me to hid behind my phone. I thought about having a crew member grab my laptop, but with how small the venue was I was fearful of it getting broken or becoming lost. My entire life is on my computer and one time early on I did misplace my laptop. The whole experience was a nightmare. Ever since then I keep my laptop updated to the cloud, but I still don't was to lose my computer.

So since I didn't have my computer I used the next best tool, my phone. For the most part I could work solely off my phone, but I preferred to work off my computer. Beggars can't be choosers. Plus being on my phone gave me something I could hide behind. 

I would catch Ryder watching me from the corner of my eye. He didn't look any better than he did earlier. In fact he seemed worse. His eyes held a haunted expression and such sorrow I've never seen before. He kept his distance from me and only went to Skylar. 

At one point I caught him, Lucan and Dimitri in a heated conversation. Lucan and Dimitri appeared pissed where as Ryder was void of emotion. The second they noticed me the conversation ceased and they walked away. This wasn't the only time I caught him exchanging cross words with Dimitri and Lucan. Tray and Mason seemed to be staying out of the way and hanging with Wicked Minion, but knowing those two they were playing the part of babysitter for Wicked Minion to keep them away from whatever was happening.

Adam too was floating around avoiding not only Ryder, but all of Steel Wolf. Wherever Ryder was Adam seemed to always be on the opposite side of the venue sending apprehensive glances Lucan's way. Whatever Lucan said to him seems to be keeping Adam in his own cage. Which made my life easier because I didn't have any fights I would need to break up.

The tension in the room reminds me of when Steel Wolf first started touring, but the tension back then was more if a nervous tension where at this was more of a hostel tension. The rest of the tour can't continue like this. The issues between Ryder and myself can not bleed in to their careers. I'll walk away before I let anything like that happen. We have all worked too hard to throw away all of this successes.

The guys were currently backstage changing out of their sweat filled clothing. Unlike their other concerts there will be no meet and greets at this one. Since the venue is a much smaller scale we are able to up the ticket price and also because the concert goers are able to party with the bands after for a few hours. This makes for the ticket to quickly turn into a hot commodity hence the reason the girl at the hotel asked me for tickets. With in minutes of the tickets for this venue becoming available they are sold out. Fans travel in from everywhere to see them here. 

I take a sip of my fifth or was it sixth cup of coffee since I woke up this morning. The caffeine was much needed since this is going to be a long night on top of an unrestful evening the day before. I have no plans to drink tonight. I'm manager Aubree and I have to be focused this evening. Was it really only last night Skyler was buy trick shots for the guys and we were all having a good time because I swear that night seemed way longer ago.

Wicked Minion and Adam were already floating around the room conversing with the fans. Axel and Logan already had a girl on their arm, who was probably hoping to be invited back to the hotel room. I shake my head you think they would learn don't be one of the first girls they claim because usually those are the ones they fuck in the bathroom to take the edge off. The girl on their arm towards the end of the night are usually the ones the invite back.

Tray and Mason are the first ones out, which I'm not surprised over. There are a pleather of women out here for them to choose from and since we aren't leaving bright and early tomorrow they have an entire night for extra activates. Dimitri and Skylar are the next to exit. Dimitri has his arm securely around Skylar, who is wearing a tight black dress. No way in hell is he letting her drift away from him. Firstly due to all the male eyes following her and secondly because he is going to use her like a human shield against all the females. 

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