Chapter 59

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Hopes of sleeping in were dashed the second my ringing phone woke me. Groaning about how inhuman it was for someone to be calling this early I check my phone to discover the culprit is no other than my boss, Mr. Gear. So not ready to deal with him without a cup of coffee I let the call go to voicemail, not something I would normally do. 

I snuggle back under the blankets figuring I can get a little more sleep, but life has other plans for me. My phone starts to ring again and when I see Mr. Gear's name flash across the screen all thoughts of extra sleep disappear. Seems I'm going to have to deal with him before coffee. This is not going to end well.

Sighing I pick up the phone and answer the call. In a groggy voice I say, "good morning Mr. Gear how can I help you?"

"Why are you still in bed," he snaps as though he comprehends the tour schedule and continues without waiting for a response. "Never mind. The real question is why do you sound hung over? Too busy partying the night away and now sleeping in?"

How do I answer him and remain professional when he is anything but? I sit up in bed and swing my feet over the edge of the bed. "Sir." Never hurts to start with sir. "Last night was the fan party at the bar so everyone got back late. Due to the late evening the busses aren't scheduled to leave New Orleans till later this afternoon."

"The tours in New Orleans?" I hear him quietly ask himself. "You didn't answer my question why do you sound hung over?" No surprise he is throwing the heat on me because he has no clue what is happening with this tour. 

"I'm not hung over sir. You woke me up. I'm still on personal time so I was sleeping." I throw the last part in to remind him per the contract I am allowed so many hours to myself. I'm so tired of this asshole pushing me around. 

"Right. Of course. Of course." He mutters. I cover a yawn wishing I could be getting more sleep than dealing with him. Should have turned my phone off instead of answering. Waiting for him to get to the point of the call has me fighting back sleep. "Let me get straight to the reason for my call." Finally. "Someone brought some news to my attention and I wanted to have you shed some light on whether the news was true or not."

"Of course Mr. Gear, how can I help," I ask even though I would much rather tell him to fuck off and go back to sleep.

"A little birdy told me your relationship with Ryder has ended. Is this true or not?" I'm sure the little birdy is none other than Adam himself.

"Yes," I say softly hating the feeling of the word on my lips.

"Can you please repeat what you said I couldn't quite hear you," Mr. Gear asks me not even bothering to cover the glee in his voice and letting me know without words he heard me the first time. But he is enjoying my pain so he asks again.

"Yes," I tell him using a firmer voice. "We ended our relationship a couple of days ago."

"I'm so sorry to hear this news was true." He hold the word so longer than necessary clueing me in he isn't sorry at all. Of of this is a farce. "I have to ask business policy and all, but will you be able to continue to maintain your manager obligations to the fullest?"

Business policy my ass. He's up to something. He never called to ask me this after Adam dumped me. "Mr. Gear I would never allow my personal life to hinder my professional one. As long as Mr. Clark can be professional so can I."

"I'm still not convinced having you stay on as manager is going to be what is best for Steel Wolf. I was reading through the contract," more like his receptionist was reading, "and I stumbled across a clause." Quickly I flip through the contract in my head trying to figure out what he is talking about. "The clause basically states if their are any unreconcilable differences between the band and manger the company can step in and remove the manager."

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