Chapter 40

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Every muscle in my body freezes at the sound of his voice and all the blood drains from my face. This can not be happening. Not now. Not when Ryder and I are finally together. Shivers run up and down my spine when I feel his eyes on me. 

I can hear my friends asking me what's wrong, but all my mind can think of doing is running. Not a single word is able to pass through my lips. I start to feel light headed when the memories once on lock down flood my brain. Reducing me to the older version of myself. The version I had worked so hard to no longer be.

The feeling of Ryder's hand in mind is all that is keeping be grounded to reality. If not for him I would have lost what little sanity I'm able to hold on too . My grip tightens on him needing his strength more than I have ever before. He looks down at me and I can catch the concern in his eyes. 

Lucan glances over my shoulder and his jaw tightens when he see's who's standing behind me. His reaction is the conformation I'm not dreaming. He really is here. What if I don't turn around and ignore him? I could act as though I never heard him call my name.

Maybe he's only here to see off someone from Wicked Minion and not on the actual tour. I'm only grasping at straws and my luck has never been great. This is not how I envisioned the tour. So much for a drama free tour. Having him here is going to be worse than dealing with Madison on the last tour. 

Taking a deep breathe I plaster on the fakest smile of my life and drop Ryder's hand when I turn to face him. "Adam," I say in greeting. I hide my hands behind my back so he doesn't see how much they are trembling. 

Adam takes my one worded greeting as an opening to approach me and I fight back the urge to hide behind Ryder. "Aubree you look great," he states smiling and running his eyes over my body. I regret wearing the dress and wish I had wore something more baggy.  His eyes linger on my chest and curves. 

Ryder tenses next to me. I never gave him Adam's name, but he is more than capable of reading my body language. Ryder clenches and unclenches his fist all while keeping a weary eye on Adam.

Either Adam is oblivious or just plan stupid because he takes the few steps closing the gap between us and gathers me in his arms for a hug. My arms remain lose at my side and I freeze. My body screams for me to push him away, but my joints lock refusing to move. 

He takes a few steps back, but take a grip on my upper arms. "Sure has been a long time since we last saw one another." Not long enough if you ask me. I could have gone with never seeing his ass again.

He continues to smile at me as though we are long lost friends even though we are anything but. Ryder slides his arm around my shoulders trying to dislodge Adam's grip on me, but Adam doesn't let go. In fact his hold tightens causing me discomfort.

"Adam you're hurting me," I whisper hoping Ryder is to busy glaring at Adam to hear me. By the narrowing of Ryder's eyes I can tell he heard every word. Adam drops his hands from me, but makes no move to step back. 

The guys position themselves on either side of us forming a loose circle. Dimitri tightens his hold on Skylar when he notices Adam giving her the once over.

Adam shakes his head. "I would have never believed Dimitri Brandt from Steel Wolf was settling down if not for seeing it with my own eyes. But now since seeing her I can see why." Adam winks in Skylar's direction earning himself a number one spot on Dimitri's shit list. 

"Adam why are you here," I ask hoping to draw his attention off of Skylar holding on to my belief he was only here to see off one of the members of Wicked Minion.

He shoves his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heals. "I'm the surprise Aubree. Ever since Seven Rage dissembled I've been working on a solo career. Mr. Gear thought having me open for Steel Wolf would help increase my album sales." He narrows his eyes and the unfriendly Adam makes an appearance. "We both figured since Steel Wolf's fan base was once Seven Rage's fan base they would love hearing me."

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