Chapter 49

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Curiosity has me pressing one. If nothing more I can find out what he wants and pass the information on to Ryder. Ryder will more than likely not be happy with me for taking the call, but better to be in front of an issue than behind. No harm in seeing what he wants. I can always hang up on him.

The call clicks and a gruff voice answers. "Hello. If this the manager of Steel Wolf?"

I take a deep breath and enter into my professional mode. "Yes, it is. How did you get this number?" He pauses for a second as though he is debating on answering me or not. "Look Mr. Clark I'm sure there is a reason for your call and if you want me to answer what I'm able to I need you to answer my question. How did you get this number?"

"A gentleman named Mr. Gear gave it to me. When I told him I'm Ryder's father he went on to explain per policy he wasn't able to give me Ryder's direct number, but he could give me yours."

I hate how the label is able to give my number out to basically anyone they want. Due to this protocol I've been forced to change my number numerous time, which causes a headache in on itself. Once again I have a feeling I'm going to have to change my number, but sadly with us being in the middle of a tour the change is going to have to wait till the tour is over. Too many important people have this number for me to change it in the middle.

"Very well. How can I help you Ms. Clark?" I keep my tone clear of emotion and remain straight to the point.

"I was... well.. wondering... if you knew if he received my letter or not?" I could hear the hesitancy in his voice.

Not wanting to give out any information to this man without speaking with Ryder first I say, "Mr. Clark I know nothing about him receiving or not receiving a letter."

"But ain't the two of you dating? How the fuck do you not know," he snarks.

I rub my forehead not at all enjoying this conversation. "Mr. Clark if you continue to swear at me I will hang up this phone and as for my relationship with your son that is between him and I. Is there anything else I can assist you with? I really need to begin my day."

"Can I speak with him," he asks.

"Currently all members of Steel Wolf are resting before the concert tonight. If you would like I can pass on a message to him explaining you called and were wanting to speak with him." I can't believe I'm about to say these next words. "If you would like to call back in a week or so I can let you know of his answer. But Mr. Clark to be frank from his silence these past years I would think you would already know the answer to your question of him wanting to speak to you or not. Have a great day."

Without waiting for him to respond I end the call and rest my elbows on the table. Resting my head in my hands I sit there for a moment replaying the conversation in my mind. Why did I tell him to call back? Because you want to give Ryder the option to talk to him or not. Now how do I tell Ryder his father called me.

Ryder finds me slumped at the kitchen table lost in thought not too long after I ended my phone conversation. I still haven't figured out an exact way to break the news to him, but understanding how Ryder's mind works I'm better off telling him sooner than later. The longer I wait to tell him the worse his reaction is going to be.

He sits down next to me forcing me to slide over to make room for his bigger frame. "What's wrong sweetheart? Run out of coffee?" He snickers to himself over the last question. My head pops up and I glare at him, but the mention of coffee has me craving some and the extra ingredient I plan on adding.

Ryder springs into action removing some of the fake candles and starting the pot. "You are going to need to send one of the crew in here to remove all of these," Ryder reminds me. The joys of being one of the big bosses I can get the lower crew members to do just about anything I want.

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