Chapter 7

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"Penny for your thought," a male voice asks calling me back from my thoughts. I turn my head and discover Ryder of all people sitting next to as thought my reminiscing had drawn him to me.

My heart skips a beat having him so close me. We may be in a better place now then we had been at the start of the tour, but I still feel like we are walking on thin ice. "My thoughts have never been worth that much," I tell him with a shake of my head. I can feel his body heat chasing away the chill I hadn't even known I'd been feeling. 

He tilts his head to the side to study me with his brown eyes. Usually people complain about having brown eyes, but I love his. Ryder leans back in his chair and settles in as though he plans on being here for awhile. "Your right. Yours' have always been worth more."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes at his cheesy come back. Not wanting to continue down this path with him I change the topic. "Can't say I didn't see this coming," I tell him nodding towards Dimitri and Skylar, who were so lost in each other the room could have been on fire and neither of them would have know.

Ryder chuckles softly at my comment causing goosebumps to form on my skin from the sound. "I've seen this coming for years. When ever he spoke about her he would always get this twinkle in his eyes." Ryder leans forward and closer to me as though he is about to share a secret with me. "I hate to admit this, but on more than one occasion over the years I encouraged him to let her go because of how distraught he would get." Ryder shrugs his shoulders. "My thoughts were only of protecting him I hated seeing him in pain."

Ryder at times comes across as being heartless, but I know that to be untrue because he cares deeply for those he considers family. I wonder if he was different before the events that happened with his father or was he always like this. Did he have these wall in place even as a child or did life cause them to be built. We never much discussed Ryder's past because whenever I tried to he would slam the wall down and distract me with sex. Not the healthiest way of dealing his issues. The only time he would be open was when something was effecting the band directly.

"Do you think Dimitri is making a mistake by asking her to marry him?" Then I start to backtrack hating myself for even saying something like that out loud. "I love Skylar and believe she is the best thing that happened to him." My thoughts trail off on their own.

Ryder knocks his shoulder against mine. "Always the mama bear." A blush creeps over my face. "Not asking her to marry him would be a mistake." Ryder too stares at the couple.

"Ever think you'll get married?" The second the question was out of my mouth I was searching for the fastest escape route because the likely hood of the ground opening up to swallow me was slim to none. 

How could I ask him such a a question? We are finally in a good place with our relationship or lack of relationship. I don't know. I'd like to blame it on the fact marriage was in the air, but deep down I know that to be a falsehood. A part of me was wondering because I wanted to know how he felt on the matter. We never discussed the topic. Then again we never verbalized anything that would take place in the future. Instead conversations very seldom strayed from day to day. Occasionally he would bring up the idea of making us permanent, but nothing else.

Ryder shifts his chair to face me and then using his legs he adjust my chair so I'm facing him. Apparently he wants to continue this conversation face to face whereas I was having an easier time not facing him. He shakes his head in shock. "If I would have known Dimitri asking Skylar to marry him would have sparked this conversation between us I would have made him ask her sooner."

His reaction was not at all what I had been expecting from him. Sure he has asked me to make our relationship official, but I had expected him to shut down not encourage this conversation. Why out of the two of us am I the one freaking out? Aren't the guys usually the ones who run for the hills the second the m word is said. Apparently Ryder is the exception to that assumption. 

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