Chapter 73

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"Ryder Clark's family I gather," the doctor inquires with a raised  brow glancing at all of us.

I rise from my seat along with everyone else. "Yes sir we are," I inform him.

"How is he," Lucan asks.

The doctor smiles to himself and takes a seat. "I'm too tired to fight with how are all of you family. When I know for a fact you aren't due to the fact I know who you are. Do you mind if I sit? Its been a long night and my shift got extended due to us being short staffed. I'm Dr. Webb by the way."

"Not at all ,"  I tell him fidgeting with my hands. 

He waves towards the seats. "Why don't all of you sit? This is also going to be a long night for you." We all sit back down, but I sit on the edge of my seat. The doctor removes his glasses to rub his tried eyes. All I want to do is shake him down for answers. "Okay," he says replacing his glasses. "Ryder was very lucky you got him here when you did," he states glancing at Lucan. "When you arrived he was having tremors, extreme sweating, nausea," Dr. Webb pauses for a moment to glance at his notes "along with an elevated body temperature, and signs of confusion with bouts of anger." 

"I remember the signs from the last times he overdosed," Lucan states hiding his hands behind his back.

Dr. Webb nods his head and fiddles with this pen. "Like I said he's lucky you remembered. When we checked his blood pressure and heart rate both were increased as well, which caused me to worry he may have a heart attach due to the strain the increase was doing to his heart. Especially when he was complaining of chest pains." Tears build behind my eyes. This was not good. "Thankfully that never happened." Small battle victories.

The doctor continues, "I had the staff draw blood to see what we were dealing with and the levels in his system were on the dangerous side. We also checked to see what else was present and we found nothing else. While I was waiting on the results I had the nurses hook him up to a saline drip and surround him with ice pack. We needed to get his body temperature down and so far so good his temperature dropped and is staying close to normal."

The doctors demeanor changed. The change was only slight, but I picked up on the sadness in his eyes. Something bad did happen. "Minutes before I was going to administer some lorazepam to counteract against the cocaine in his system he had a seizer."

I have a quick intake of breath and the tears flow. All of the guys are wiping at their eyes. This could have been worse than a seizer I keep telling myself. He could of had a heart attack or a stroke. At least he was in the hospital when it happened. Mason wraps his arm around me and I can feel myself trembling against him. 

Mason whispers in my ear. "Like you tell me breathe Aubree breathe." I listen to his steady breathing and follow his lead. Soon my breathing returns to normal.

The doctor watches are reactions with a black face trying to remain professional while we all fall apart. "Please continue," Lucan tells him.

He nods his head. "Thankfully the seizer didn't last long and he never lost consciousness, because that too is always a worry. We are keeping a close eyes, but so far he's only had the one."

"Anything else Dr. Webb," Lucan asks.

The doctor sits back in his chair. "He's not out of the woods yet. I still have some test I need to run and other's I'm waiting on the results from. We are running some tests on his urine and blood to check for liver and kidney functions. Along with a complete heart evaluation due to his complaint of chest pains. We need to see if he did any damage to his heat. As long as all those tests come back clean he will be cleared to go home."

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora