Chapter 26

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I almost faint from shock when we walk into the lobby and Lucan, Tray and Mason are already waiting on us. Usually I have to call up to some ones room to get them moving. This was a nice surprise. Wonder if they are feeling bad for the trip to the hospital and all the chaos they caused. Thankfully I still haven't seen anything about their adventure surfacing anywhere. I already had my ducks in a row if something did come to light. 

"About time you two love birds graced us with your presence," Tray lectures. "Then again Ryder I'm surprised you were able to pull yourself away from being in-between her legs," he adds with a shrug.

Ryder lunges at Tray and almost reaches him except Lucan jumps in to save Tray's face. Lucan struggles to hold back an pissed off Ryder while I stand there with my mouth open. One would think by now nothing Tray says would shock me. Guess I was wrong. 

"What the fuck Tray," Lucan snaps. "Did you learn nothing from the way Dimitri reacted to your words." Ryder continues to fight against his hold. Lucan manages to drag Ryder away from the group to a corner in the lobby. Ryder stops fighting against him, but continues to glare daggers at Tray.

"We've talked about this," Mason reminds Tray poking him in he chest. "And even after promising to try and watch your mouth you continue to say whatever pops into your head." Mason shakes his head. "One of these days you are going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person and we won't be there to protect you."

"Yeah...yeah...yeah," he says waving Mason off and stalking outside. 

Mason shakes his head watching his friend walk away then turns his attention to me. "He needs to have another pow wow with Skylar. He's been full of himself more than normal." 

I make a note on my phone to schedule something between him and Skylar. They have an interesting relationship and if anyone can get through to him she would be the one. "Agreed. He needs to sort out whatever this is before we go on tour with Wicked Minion because that band is a handful in itself. I can't have you guys rocking the boat as well."

Lucan and Ryder rejoin us. Ryder seems more calm then he was a few minutes ago. "Where did Tray go," he questions.

"Outside," Mason fills in for him. 

"Let's get this show on the road," Lucan says rubbing his hands together. "Skylar shared with me how wonderful of a cook her mom is and I for one am starving."

The guys go to leave the lobby, but I halt their progress. "Before you walk outside I need the promise no one is going after Tray," I command staring each of the guys down in turn. "We don't need another trip to the emergency room."

They all look down at their feet and mutter a promise to me. This was as good as I was getting. At least they gave me something. Now fingers crossed they keep their promises. Tray has an uncanny gift of being able to push peoples buttons.

When we reach the car Tray is already standing next to the car fiddling with his phone. He glances up when he hears our approach. Him and Ryder do the weird guy head nod to one another, but thankfully no punches were thrown. 

I go to get into the back seat to let one of the guys sit in front, but Ryder stops me. "Since I'm driving I want my girl upfront with me." The guys moan their displeasure, but instantly stop from one glower from Ryder and slide into the backseat without any more complaints. Ryder sends me a boyish smile over his win. I slide into the front seat next to him.

I wish I could say the ride to Skylar's house was uneventful, but then I would by lying. At first no one said a word, but then all hell broke lose when Ryder turned on the radio. All four of them got into an argument over what we should listen to causing my head to start ringing. The argument at one point became so heated Mason threatened to jump out of the car and then I threated to join him if they didn't stop. This got them all to shut up, but then the tension became to thick in the car I was having difficulty breathing. 

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