Chapter 53 (part 2)

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What I want to do is scream and throw a tantrum like a child. Then drag Ryder to the safety of our room and forget all about this train wreak of a night. So much for a drama free evening. My eyes land on Adam for a second and I cringe. Who am I kidding with Adam being here the night would never be drama free. The girls being here are only adding an extra layer to the evening. Hell maybe they will even end up being a buffer between us and him. Maybe I should be looking at the glass as being half full instead of half empty.  

We all leave the lobby, including the giggling school girls, and head down the sidewalk towards the bar. A slight pressure begins to form behind my eye due to listening to the constant high pitch wales of the girls hanging off of Wicked Minion and I fight down the urge to stab the one in the eyes who keeps eye fucking my boyfriend. Skylar catches my eyes and makes a hidden notion of slitting her throat, while nodding in the direction of the exact girl I want to strangle. 

I hide my laugher behind my hand, but not well enough because Ryder catches me in the act. He tilts his head to the side and follows the direction of my gaze. The girl catches him staring at her, but instead of glancing away in shame she licks her lips and smiles flirtishly. Ryder throws her a bone by tightly smiling at her earning a slap on the shoulder from me.

"What," he asks rubbing his shoulder. Guys can't really be this dense. Can they? By Ryder's puzzled expression I guess they can be.

I narrow my eyes still not convinced he is as innocent as he is trying to portray. "Why did you have to go and smile at her?" I counter. "Now she's going to think she has a chance with you." Since when did I become so insecure? Since the moment he said maybe being photographed with other women might be a good idea an inner voice reminds me.

I tried to push his words deep down to a place I never visited, but seems my subconscious was like a Pitbull not ready to let go. Why is he letting his father, who is sitting in jail mind you, dictate his life? This man has been out of his life for years so why now is he rising his ugly head and fucking with the life Ryder and I are trying to create.

Hating the slight distance forming between us I tuck myself tight against his side, not only trying to close the gap between us, but also stake my claim. By Ryder's smirk he was catching onto what I was doing and wraps an arm around me. Adam watches our exchange with an unreadable expression. 

The walk continues without any other excitement and soon we have reached our destination. The guard letting people in checks out IDs and let's us though without a problem, but he stops our add addition. Rolling my eyes I step up to the guard and reshow him my ID with the words manager under my name. I explain that he can let the girls in, but no one else extra who doesn't have the proper ID. Logan, Sebastian, and Axel send me grateful glances for allowing the girls in. I mouth the words you owe me crystal clear and watch the color drain from their faces.

The scurry away before I can say anything more dragging the girls with them. Tray and Mason wave goodbye while they to follow after the girls leaving me with the feeling Wicked Minion will have fewer girls to chose from after those two have their pick. What surprises me is when Lucan also goes to follow them.

I reach my hand out stopping him. "Not you too," I exclaim. 

He shrugs his shoulders. "Better to be around the single people than the couples. I would like for my food to stay inside my stomach. Plus someone needs to make sure they stay out of trouble since you are going to be preoccupied this evening." A sense of guilt drift over me because I should be the one watching out not Lucan. Being their manger means this falls under my jurisdiction. Lucan rests his hand on my shoulder. "Stop," he says sternly putting an instant stop to my thoughts. "You are allowed a night off to relax and have fun." He wait till I nod my head before giving my shoulder a squeeze and disappearing into the crowd. 

When I turn around I discover Ryder, Dimitri and Skylar are no longer standing next to me. For a second my anxiety begins to creep up my spine over being left alone. My frantic search stops when I spy them standing at the bar, but my heart rate increases when I notice the women from earlier leaning close into Ryder. Dimitri has a firm grip on Skylar preventing her from ripping the girls hair out.

Currently I'm be presented with a few options on how to respond to seeing another women hanging off my boyfriend. I can walk up to her and punch her in a face, I like this plan, but also understand she would probably end up trying to sue me. Granted she would no doubt get her grubby hands off him. I can try to make him jealous by flirting with one of the many men standing at the barn, but the memory of him getting into a fight at the last bar I tried to make him jealous at sends me back to the drawing board. 

The only option left to me is to be classy. I muster as much confidence as I can, not wanting anyone to pick up on how much my anxiety is riding me, and strut over to where they are standing at the barn. Skylar stops fighting against Dimitri's hold when she sees me approaching. I send her wink to both reassure her.

Without missing a beat I walk in-between them giving her my back and kiss him. Ryder instantly wraps his arms around me and deepens the kiss. My inner goddess dances with glee. Take that bitch. Check and mate. I said I had to be classy I never said I had to roll over and take it. Ryder may want to try to make the public question our relationship, but I don't. 

Over Ryder's shoulder I catch Adam's glare before he spins in the opposite direction and storm away. My gut tells me he is up to something, but I push the thoughts away wanting to only focus on the now. I can revisit the thoughts about Adam at a later time.

I end the kiss and pretend to wipe away the nonexistent lipstick on his mouth only then do I turn around shocked to find the women from earlier still standing there. Can this women not catch the hint he is not interested in her?

"Sorry didn't see you there," I tell her leaning back against Ryder, who wraps his arms around me from behind.

"I'm sure," she responds with dryly. She tries to catch Ryder's attention, but he is too busy ordering drinks. The lightness in her eyes disappears and a darkness creeps in causing a shiver to run down my spine. "You may have won this round, but the night is still young." With those parting words she disappears into the crowd, but I can still feel her eyes on me and an unsettledness settles deep within my bones.           

Sorry for the long awaited update. I've been feeling off and not really motivated. Which I didn't feel was fair to be writing when I felt like that I wouldn't be giving the story my all. I still love this story and the characters and still plan on finishing the series. Between my husband starting a new company, he's now an owner operator and drives a truck, to the starting of a new school year its been a stressful and busy time. School is finally staring to come together. We finish state testing this week and hopefully I'll actually be able to teach soon. My goal as always is to write at least a few up dates a week. I know where the story is going, but I also think I'm in a bit of a rut and once I get myself out everything will flow easier and not feel so forced. Hope everyone is well! I miss my Wattpad family. Maybe writing is just want I need to stop feeling so off.  

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