Chapter 60

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I enter the bus and brace myself for the pleather of questions. Instead I find all the widows covered by the blackout curtains and only a few lights on. Tray and Skylar are lounging on my couch both with a washcloth on their heads and huge bottles of water on the table.

"Someone not ready to face the day," I ask only to be met by groans.

Skylar removes the washcloth and sits up. "I'm never drinking again."

"Says everyone when they are hung over, but never exactly follow through with," I inform her grabbing my laptop bag and taking a seat at the table. 

"Well I'm going to be the exception." Skylar declares stretching her arms above her.

"I'll believe you when my shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet." Tray teases never changing his position. Skylar nudges him hard in the side with her elbow causing him to sit up with a start. "Keep that shit up and see what I do next."

Skylar crosses her arms and glares at Tray. "Are you threatening me," she asks in a mocking voice. "Your bestest best friend. Tray I'm hurt." I roll my eyes at the two of them. Never a dull moment. 

Opening up my lap top I see an email from Mr. Gear highlighting the portion of the contract we had spoken about. He also sent me a copy of the contract he wants me to sigh to work with Adam. Of course his emails are nothing, but professional. He never puts anything in an email I can use against me. Sadly he is to smart for that. To anyone looking in from the outside this would all seem like a normal daily exchange, but due to our phone conversation this is anything but.

I quickly move the email into a different folder not wanting anyone to see the exchange. As mush as I want to keep Mr. Gears' threat to myself I'm going to have to share some of the information with Skylar in case he tries to go after her. I would like to think he is smarter than that since she is engaged to Dimitri, but desperate men do desperate things. So he could be up to anything at this point. Better to arm her with information than having her flying in the dark.

If only Tray wasn't on the bus. We wound have complete privacy without worry one of the guys over hearing the conversation. I also hate the fact by me telling Skylar I'm putting her in a position she's going to have to keep information from Dimitri. Dimitri will need to understand sometimes Skylar is going to have to keep work related issues close to herself. 

"If I was truly your bestest best friend you would have already named me as your made of honor for the wedding." Tray says sounding hurt. 

Skylar shifts to the side to face him crossing her legs underneath herself. "We haven't even picked a date yet," Skylar says sounding annoyed. This must not be the first time they have had this argument. 

"And your point is what exactly," Tray questions staring directly into her eyes. I ponder jumping in and breaking this up. I'm not sure my head can handle an argument between these two. Could always go hide in my room with headphones.

"My point is..." Skylar trails off.

Tray jumps closer to her causing her to lean back slightly. "See  you don't have a point." He waves his finger in her face and she bites him. He snatches his finger back and holds it close to his chest. "Don't bite me," he cries.

"Don't put your finger in my face," Skylar says sticking out her tongue. 

"Enough you too," I interject. "Not really in the mood to be dealing with your childishness. If this is how the ride is going to be I'll have the bus stop right now and the both of you can get off."

"Sorry," the both mutter glancing down at the floor. "We're sorry mom."

I roll my eyes and throw a box of Kleenex at them. Tray ducks last minute and the box hits Skylar square in the face. Both of us laugh at a fuming Skylar. 

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