Chapter 51

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Not long after I join the group Ryder starts to pass out on the bar. At this point I make the executive decision we all need to head back to the hotel for a quick nap. No need to have overly drunk rockers at the mini party or cranky hung-over rockers. Either way my evening would be anything, but relaxing.

The hotel we are staying at is in walking distance from the venue so no transportation is necessary. Waking the four sleeping beauties proves to be more difficult then I first thought. No amount of yelling or shaking them seems to work.

Dimitri leans across the bar and asks the bartender for something. To which they smile and step away to do his bidding. He turns to Skylar with an evil grin. "Pay back is a bitch." Skylar turns bright red at his words making me wonder what the fuck is he talking about.

I don't have to wait long because soon the bartender is returning with two five gallon buckets filled with ice and water. "Little over kill don't you think," Skylar asks Dimitri. He adamantly shakes his head no. "But they used small ice buckets on us and the other two had nothing to do with what happened in the elevator."

There seems to be a story here I'm missing. But whatever the story might be Dimitri is about to up the revenge. Should I step in and prevent this from happening? Probably. But will I. Nope. Instead I sneakily pull my phone out ready to catch the moment on film to post for the fans.

"So," Dimitri tells her, "this is how war works babe. They struck so we strike harder. Maybe next time they will think twice before doing something to us. And as for the other two sometimes others get stuck in the crosshairs."

"More like you are full on declaring war and our lives are about to get harder and I'll be forced to watch my back," Skylar mutters. She notices I'm filming all of this and stares directly into the camera. "For the record I has nothing to do with this in fact I tired to talk him out of this. So, when you are retaliating please remember my plea."

"Gorgeous stop worrying your pretty little head," he tells her swaying on his feet and poking her in the forehead.

For a second, I rethink my stance on this entire development. Not only am I going to have my hands full walking back the drunken idiots, but I'm going to have to prevent Tray, Mason, Logan and Axel from killing the others. So much for a quite afternoon.

"Who's going to help me," Dimitri sings pointing to the two buckets. "We haves to hit them at the same time so they can't dump the other bucket on us," his words slightly slur together.

Lucan takes a step back towards were Ryder and I are sitting. "Count me out. I remember the prank wars between you, Tray and Mason I don't want to have to sleep with one eye open."

"Ryder," Dimitri asks. We all glance at Ryder and find him passed out on the bar. "Nope never mind. Barkeep gonna need a smaller bucket for him."

"No, I'll wake him myself," I say cutting in. No way in hell am I dealing with a pissed off Ryder since we are sharing a room.

"Fine spoil sport," Dimitri says sticking out his tongue. Been a long time since I've seen this side of Dimitri. Usually Tray and Mason are the ones stirring the pot. Whatever they did to Dimitri has sure stuck with him. "So who's going to help me?"

Sabastian steps up. "I will," he tells Dimitri. They fist bump and Dimitri smiles with glee.

The rest of us gather as far from the war zone as we can get. I also slip the bartender some extra cash for the mess these two are about to create in the bar. They smile at me appreciatively already standing at the ready with a mop and bucket.

Dimitri and Sabastian both grab a bucket and hover over the unexpecting sleeping beauties. They raise them using one hand to hold the bottom and quietly count to three. When the reach three they let the ice and water flow laughing their asses off. I've never seen four grown drunken men awaken so quickly and instantly become sober.

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