Chapter 35

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After I threatened to castrate the next male who pissed me off with a rusty spoon the men children somehow learned to control themselves. Amazing what they are capable of when their manhood's are threatened. I shall have to file away this piece of information for later use when they are pissing me off. Because sadly even thought they currently have a truce this is a delicate truce. I only pray they have learned their lesson and wont hit on Skylar or me.

I was finishing up reviewing the itinerary with both bands and so far so good. The application I had decided on, after carful review, was preforming exactly how I had envisioned. This would eliminate the need for paper and they would no long be able to claim they lost the original. The application will also send out a message daily informing them of their expectations of the day. 

One of my other favorite features was the ability to set alarms from my device. I had set myself and Skylar as the main phones and all of theirs as members. There were many other features I was still playing with and figuring out how they work. By the end of the tour I will have everything figured out.

Steel Wolf was entering into a whole new world and I wasn't met with resistance. The guys were excited about the new change and sine this was Wicked Minions first tour they had nothing to compare this too. Now if I can keep the two bands from killing each other all will be well. 

Our food arrives and I table work talk to allow the guys some time to bond. Granted they are about to be on tour together for a few months and will have plenty of time to get to know one another. Each band are getting their own tour bus, after much yelling from me. 

Originally Mr. Gear was going to have them share a bus, but I put a kibosh to his wishes. The guys don't even know about the yelling match Mr. Gear and I got into. In fact they have no idea of what I deal with to make their lives easier, but then again all of the crazy is part of my job.

"Not sure how I feel about them," Ryder says softly so only I can hear him.

"You don't need to like them. You just need to get along with them for the tour to flow peacefully." He rolls his eyes and glares at Axel, who was watching us. I turns Ryder's face so his attention was solely on me. "For me please. Plus the easier my job is the easier for you to get into my pants." I send him a wink and I watch his brown eyes darken with lust. 

My food suddenly becomes very interesting and holds my undivided attention. Ryder adjust my chair closer to him and trails his fingers of my thighs. My legs part on their own granting him easier access. His fingers brush lightly over my core and I clench my teeth to fight back a groan. I'm going to kill him.

"Aubree," Sebastian calls and ones he has my attention continues, " how many bands have you managed?"

My answer is going to sound bad, but I can't lie. "You will be my second band."

"What," he sputters spraying his drink on to Mason and Tray. Both of which who don't appear pleased, but nether say a word when they notice the glare I send their way.

"Honestly I've managed more than a few, but none of them stuck for longer than a few weeks. Steel Wolf was the first band that I worked with who kept me longer than a month." I explain taking a bite of my chicken. 

"One of the best decisions we ever made." Lucan says singing my praise and embarrassing me. "We owe our fame to her."

"I'm sure you talent had more to do with your fame then me," I interject. Lucan shakes his head no.

"I have to agree with Lucan," Ryder adds. "Sure the talent is there, but without someone to guide you and make the right decisions we would have crashed and burned."

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