Chapter 68

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Not sure how long I laid on the couch in the fetus position. My tears had dried up a long time ago. I kept replaying last night and this morning in my head. Wishing I would have done more to get him to understand how I strongly believe Adam drugged me and I didn't sleep with him last night. I should have yelled the truth from the roof tops if need be to get him to understand, but instead I was in too much shock over the entire exchange to think straight.

Isn't it ironic how when we replay an argument in our head we always have those I wish I would of moments? Well I was having several. The main one was wishing I never took the wine from Adam, but that one decision I made caused such a huge ripple effect. If I never accepted the drink I would of woken up in bed alone this morning. Ryder and I would of talked about what his father was doing and come up with a plan. A plan where we ended up together, but because I decided to drink the wine all of this happened.

I recognize none of this is my fault and neither is Ryder at fault. He has a right to feel the way he does, but he is wrong in the sense he wouldn't listen to me. If he was more level headed and not so consumed by what was happening with his father I strongly believe the conversation would of played out very differently. Usually he's more calm and level headed. His father threatening him if he doesn't give him money is really fucking with his head. My hope is once the situation with his father is under control then I'll be able to speak with Ryder about what he thought he walked in on.

The only person at fault for all of this is squarely on Adam's shoulders. For the life of my I can't figure out why he would drug me. Not like he can't get women to sleep with him. The only conclusion I can come up with I was one of the first to tell him no after he got caught making the bet. He then fixated on me since I wouldn't roll over onto my back and expose my belly. I may never know his reasons and I have no desire to ever confront him to find out the why.

If his plan was for me to choose him over Ryder he went about it the wrong way, but then again I never would of picked him over Ryder. In the end he only succeeded in separating us. Unless his secondary plan was if I wouldn't be with him he would make sure I couldn't be with anyone else. So many questions bouncing around in my head.

I pull myself up into a sitting position on the couch and stretch my stiff muscles. The clock across from me reminds me I need to get a moving if I was going to leave on time. I disappear into the bedroom locking the door. 

One glance at myself in the bedroom and I look a wreak. My skin is more pale than I've ever seen it before. There is no life in my eyes and my hair is a knotted mess. A shower would do me much good. I turn the water on and walk back into the bed room to grab some clothes when I hear knocking on the door. I freeze. Did Ryder come back to actually listen to me?

Someone softly knocks on the door. My heart plumpts when I hear who is on the other side. "Aubree," Skylar says softly.

Not ready to face anyone I tell her through the door using a fake happy tone. "Hey Skylar. What's up?"

"Can I come in?" She asks me. 

I bite back a sob at the concern I hear in her voice. "No..." I stutter. "I'm about to jump in the shower."

"Okay." With one word only Skylar is still able to see through to my real reason. " Lucan called an emergency band meeting. I'm not one hundred percent sure what he wanted to discuss, but my gut is telling me the meeting has something to do with you and Ryder." She pauses waiting for me to comment, but I have nothing more to add. "Well I just wanted you to know since you are their manager." I can hear her soft footsteps retreating, but she returns to my door. "Aubree. No matter what happens next I'm here for you always. Us girls have to stick together in this male dominated world."

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ