Chapter 65

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The concert ends without any major problems. Both band's sound fantastic. Steel Wolf finally sounding like the true selves all because the members were back on the same page again. A new lightness was in the air that wasn't there before.

Due to Ryder and I working through our differences I revisit the idea of leaving and decide against doing so. The only reason I was going to leave is no longer there. The band is back on track and so is Ryder and me.

Ryder rushes through the after concert activates not paying a single woman any extra attention. I heard more than one complaining how they thought he was back on the market, but he only had eyes for me.

Adam would occasionally send glares my way, but he never approached us. His extra attention did not sit well with me at all and I couldn't wait to get out of there. Thankfully the tour is in the homestretch and I will be able to get away from him. If I'm ever forced to go on tour with him again I will walk away. I set a reminder to send the big boss an email about all the strain Adam put on the tour in hopes they will prevent Adam from ever joining us again.

The last fan leaves the room and we too are able to leave. Tray and Mason try to convince us to go out, but we all decline stating we will be going out tomorrow. They both pouted all the way back to the hotel until they discovered the hotel had a bar and casino. After much pleading and promising they would behave I relented and let them go unsupervised. Other than Hayes Wicked Minion decided they wanted to join in on the fun. When I learned they too would be going I rethought letting them all go alone, but Ryder convinced me to have some trust. Also helps Lucan was tagging along with them.

When Axel asked Adam if he would like to join them Adam basically bit his head off and stormed away. I have a feeling the new status of Ryder's and my relationship was the cause of his bad attitude. Axel shrugs his shoulder at Adam's childish behavior and rejoins the group. Not any more is said about how Adam reacted.

Skylar and Dimitri also decide to call it a night and head back to the room claiming they were tired. By the way they were eyeing each other I'm sure sleep was the last thing on their mind. Ryder asks me if I wanted to join the guys, but when I decline he happily agrees.

We bid the others a good night and I remind them to stay out of trouble and call me if they need anything. To which Ryder told them don't bother since my phone will be off. They then proceeded to tease the both us till we could no longer see them

Ryder takes my hand and we follow behind Skylar and Dimitri back to the room. Let's just say once we entered not much talking happened between Ryder and my except with our bodies.


A loud banging on the door is what awakens me this time. Ryder true to his word made me turn my phone off and surrender it to him. Assuring me Lucan was more than capable of keeping the others in line and if he desperately needed me he would call Ryder.

"Aubree get up," Skyler yells for the other side. She even jiggles the knob, but since we locked the door, neither one of us wanting a repeat of the morning before, she is unable to open the door. "Aubree come on. Since when are you the one to sleep in anyways."

I stretch my arms above my head and yell, "since Ryder took away my phone. I'll be right there." I add the last part to get her to stop banging on the door.

"You weren't complaining last night," Ryder reminds me without opening his eyes. I shove at his chest laying next to me and all he does is roll over onto his stomach. "Don't make me get up you were the one who agreed to go shopping with her this early."

"But Ryder," I pout poking him in the back.

"No but Ryder missy. You told her you would go with her I never agreed to join the outing." He lifts his head up to stare at me. "In face when I did offer to go your words where no way girls only." He waves me away. "You are on your own with this one."

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