Chapter 41

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Everyone shuffles onto my bus and my first action is to gather seven shot glasses and a bottle of whiskey. Might even need to grab a second one or third. If we go through all three then there goes my stash. I'll have one of the roadies restock my stash when we reach the city. I have a feeling I'm going to need to keep more alcohol stocked then I ever have before.  

The plan is to get a slight buzz going. Not one single fuck is given the time of day is well before noon. After the shit with Adam and Mr. Gear these shots were more than justified. Ryder watches my actions with weary eyes.

"Don't think I've ever seen you drink other than in the afternoon or evening." He says with worry lacing his voice.

I slam the glasses down harder then I mean to causing myself to jump from the sound. Ponting to outside the now moving bus I say, "after all the shit we dealt with earlier be happy those shot glasses aren't doubles."

"Just because they aren't doubles don't mean you can't pour a second one right after the first," Tray calls out from his seat at my booth like table between Skylar and Lucan. Skylar shoves her shoulder into him and shakes her head.

Tray sends her a confused expression and shrugs his shoulders. She rolls her eyes and whispers something into his ear. His eyes light with understanding and he sends me a sheepish smile.  

My bus was set up differently from the guys. The main difference was I only had one sleeping cubby for whomever was my assistant, which I was thinking about having removed since the space as no longer needed. For now the sleeping space was being used for storage, but with the turn in events I'm going to probably turn the cubby back into a sleeping space. 

Since I didn't need the space on my bus for beds the other parts were able to be slightly expanded on. My bed room in back was larger and did not have a bathroom, since only one was necessary. My kitchen was larger and I had an extra work station for my assistant. There also was a small sitting area with a television. 

In my kitchen the sitting area was more like a booth. One bench ran along the wall of the bus. Four to five people could sit there comfortably. Then two ends stuck out encasing the table and two more people could sit there on each side. This was currently were all the members of our family were seated. Except for Ryder and myself. We were standing in the kitchen as I pour the shots.

Once I fill all the shot glasses I had them to Ryder and he distributes them to the others. Soon everyone is holding a shot glass and watching me. Ryder slides into one of the smaller benches and moves over so I can join him.

I grab mine and stare down at the amber liquid before raising my eyes to meet their concerned gazes. Taking my seat next to Ryder I start my speech. "Usually we sustain from drinking till right before the first concert of the tour. Where we take a shot in honor of the start of the tour." I pause and take a deep breath. "Not sure where any of your heads are currently at, but I can tell you mine is not in a good place. I have no desire to drink to honor the start of this tour. No instead I desire to drink to the strength to get though this tour."

Everyone raises their glass in agreement and we take our shot. The bottle is quickly passed and and shot glasses are refilled. This time no speech is given we down them quickly. The bottle had stopped at me and I pour myself a third one and throw the shot back. I go for a forth one, but Ryder snatches the bottle from me.

I glare at him. "Aubree," he sighs, "you can't drink this away. Plus when we got off this bus in Little Rock we need you to be clear headed." Dammit I hate the fact he brings up a valid point. I still have a job to do. The guys deserve be at my best and getting drunk will not be me at my best.

The three shots are already kicking in and clearing my head from the anxiety I have been fighting back since the confrontation with Adam. I wish I was as strong as I had thought I was, but one second in his presences and I was already feeling like the weak Aubree I once was. 

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