Chapter 9

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Felix sneaked out of his room at the back of the bar, not surprised to see his friends practically sleeping on top of each other in the lounge area. Jeongin stirred at the sound of the door opening, freeing himself from Seungmin and Hyunjin's grasps.

    Wordlessly as usual, he pointed toward the door with a confused look on his face. Hyunjin wasn't awake to translate like he usually did, but he got his point across pretty well. Sometimes he wished he shared Hyunjin's eerie ability to understand whatever Jeongin was trying to say, even from the vaguest of hand movements.

    "Yes, I'm going out to the sweet shop again. Do you want me to bring anything back for you?" He asked, knowing Chan would be furious if he helped fuel Jeongin's sweet tooth any further.

    Jeongin nodded like there was no tomorrow. He felt a smile creeping across his features. For being much older than he looked and having an unknown past, Jeongin always acted like an excited little kid. His absence awoke Seungmin who did the bare minimum to look up.

    "You're still going back to see Changbin?" He sighed, a tuft of hair sticking up on either side of his head like devil horns. "How many times do you need to be told that vampires shouldn't be friends with humans, nevermind try to date them?"

    He would have called out the younger on his hypocrisy, but he knew Seungmin was speaking from experience. All vampires learned the hard way that his statement was true. Felix hadn't learned yet, and hoped he never would.

    "I need to see him to quit my job, don't I?" was all he said before leaving the bar.


    Upon his arrival at the sweet shop, Changbin quickly closed a book and notebook he had lying on the counter and shoved it into the storage compartment underneath before greeting him.

    "What are you hiding from me?" Felix asked, placing his water bottle on the counter where the notebook had once been.

    "Is studying before work a crime, Mr. Blood Kink?" Changbin asked, raising an eyebrow. He wished he could ignore the suspicious tone to his voice.

    "Would you stop it with the nickname?" He complained. "It was a one-time thing."

    Changbin's expression darkened slightly. "Are you sure it was only a one-time thing? I'm pretty sure something very similar happened in the back room."

    Felix's heart sank. There should have been no way he could remember what happened. He had taken all the necessary precautions. Had he used the wrong medicine somehow? Noticing his shocked look, Changbin's expression lit up immediately like it had been the reaction he was looking for.

    "I'm only joking," He laughed, patting him on the head. "Get ready. Today's gonna be much busier."

    They took a break around one o'clock, Changbin placing a sign on the door stating when they would be back. While he went to the backroom, Felix finished up what he was doing with the intent to join him immediately after.

    He took a hesitant drink from his water bottle, remembering how Jeongin had quickly prepared it for him when he heard he wasn't planning on drinking it until he desperately needed it. It wouldn't have been the first time that he pulled a stunt like that. It was harmful and risky, but not drinking blood for long periods of time helped him forget that he was no longer human.

    Changbin had been acting weird all day, his suspicion growing from the book and notebook he hid under the counter. He hid his belongings often, but never as urgently or obviously as he had done earlier that morning. Whatever he was hiding was something he desperately didn't want him to see.

    Many things came to mind when he wondered what it could possibly be. Self-study books were clearly a lie. The most logical conclusion was that the notebook either contained personal hobbies or served as a diary, but a large part of his mind kept telling him it was something more sinister.

    Everything about what he was going to do was wrong. It would be a lie if he said he didn't feel terrible for even thinking about invading Changbin's privacy, but that didn't stop him from doing it anyway.

    When he knew Changbin was occupied with other matters, Felix scooped the book and notebook from under the counter and placed them on the floor. As soon as he read the title of the book, his heart began pounding at an abnormal rate, blood rushing to his face. He flipped through the notebook, multiple pages already filled to the brim.

    Changbin was onto him.

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