Chapter 5

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A mixed array of emotions were expressed at Felix's sudden confession. Chan led them out of the room so they could talk in private without disturbing Seungmin, distressed by Felix's abrupt willingness to work among humans.

"Where did that come from?" Jisung asked, raising an eyebrow. "I might be a bit biased against humans for personal reasons, but you just met the guy. How do you know he wouldn't kill you on the spot the moment he found out what you are?"

"Look, I managed to go to college for four years without being caught. Hell, even Hyunjin and Jeongin didn't know I was a vampire. What difference does a job make? I'm not so clumsy that I would mess up something like that."

He knew where Jisung was coming from, but he was capable of living among humans if he wanted. Not only was he in dire need of extra money, but he wanted to grow closer to Changbin. Something about the way he dressed and acted had caught his eye.

"I know you won't mess up, but you're well aware that there are people out there that hate us," Chan said, his expression serious. "You know that Jisung has been on the run for a year now. Humans won't the slightest mistake go until they have their revenge. I don't want that to be you."

Felix sighed, starting to grow annoyed. He knew they had his best interests in mind, but he wanted to live like a human again, even if only for a little while. He had come to peace with being a vampire long ago, but part of him still craved the life he once had.

"Chan, I'll be careful. We desperately need the extra money. You know how expensive it is to buy blood and the auction won't cut it. If anyone here were to get a job, it would be me or Hyunjin. Hyunjin's a liability, because the moment someone lifts up his sleeve, it's game over. It has to be me."

"I get it, but why the sweet shop of all places?" Minho chimed in. "I don't know about you, but I have a weird feeling about Changbin."

"I appreciate you guys worrying about me, but I'm not changing my mind. I'll quit the moment I have enough money to stay afloat for a few more months," Felix concluded before leaving the bar.


Felix forced himself awake the next morning, feeling an indescribable feeling of weirdness after sleeping during the night when he was normally awake. Working at the sweet shop would throw off the habits that he had built up over the decades, but it would be worth the change.

He threw on a pastel pink hoodie with jeans and prepared what he would say to Changbin once he arrived. In the mirror, he looked pale and sickly, so he applied a bit of makeup to look more healthy. Filling his water bottle with blood to sustain him for the day, he headed out to the sweet shop.

The sweet shop didn't open for another hour or so, so he still had plenty of time to learn the ropes. The two main reasons he wanted to work among humans again was that he wanted to protect Changbin from other vampires who would kill for his blood. The other one was harder to admit: he had taken a liking to Changbin.

He wouldn't classify it under the category of crush just yet, but he had taken enough of a liking to him to want to grow closer. The cool morning air blew against his face as he walked up the street, secretly glad that the sun was still hidden behind the clouds.

A few minutes later, he arrived at the sweet shop, a chime going off as he entered. Changbin had calming music playing through the store speakers which added to the cozy atmosphere of the store. Now that he wasn't in a rush, he had more time to take in the choice of decorations.

Tendrils of fake ivy snaked up the wall behind the counter, stopping where the wall met the ceiling. Light encased in fish bowl-shaped glass hung from the ceiling lighting the store just enough so it was pleasant on the customer's eyes, while also allowing them to see.

"I'm sorry, but we're closed right now. You can come back in an hour if-" Changbin cut himself off, poking his head through the curtain that separated the backroom from the store. "Oh, hi Felix! What's up?"

"I was wondering if you were hiring," He answered casually, walking up to the black curtain. "I'm currently looking for a job and I thought this would be a good place for me."
Changbin's expression lit up with barely suppressed excitement. "Of course! I can start you off with restocking the shelves since that's pretty easy to get the hang of." Abruptly, his expression darkened slightly. "Do you remember what happened in the backroom yesterday? For some reason, I can't remember it at all."

Felix's face blanched. He didn't think Changbin would retain even a little bit of memory of what had happened. "All that happened was that I took care of your knee. Don't worry about it."

"Oh. I could have sworn something else happened, but I'll take your word for it," Changbin said with a smile. "So about starting you off-"

"Changbin, I want you to listen to me. If you start bleeding for whatever reason, stay in a large crowd of people if possible until it stops. Don't follow anyone who offers you help unless you know they're trustworthy, okay?"

"Isn't that what I did with you?"

"That's different. I'm harmless to you, but there are people out there that want to hurt you."

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