Chapter 19

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They weaved through trees and between bushes at breakneck pace, determined to outrun the hunters. Only then did Changbin realize that he didn't know his way back to the car from where they were. They had gone so deep into the forest that he couldn't see the driveway or attempt to follow it on his way back. On top of that, it was pitch black and he could barely see a few feet in front of him.

"How did you manage to find me?" Felix demanded, attempting to pry his wrist from Changbin's grip without hurting him. "Please don't tell me you got the others involved."

"They got themselves involved," Changbin said quickly, panic rising in his chest as beams
of light cut through the darkness of the forest. He pulled out his phone and held it in front of him, tempted to open the map app even though it would be useless. "We're lost."

    There was a momentary silence before the others decided it was okay to unmute. "Seungmin's on his way. Try not to get caught between now and then."

    Felix hastily wiped the blood away from his nose and pulled Changbin down so they were hidden behind a large bush. Beams of light and urgent voices came dangerously close to them, but they were convinced they couldn't have gotten that far. Once the coast was clear, Changbin began an interrogation.

    "I think you owe me an explanation," He said sternly. "How come you ran off like that? You promised me you weren't gonna get yourself into trouble again and then go off and get caught by vampire hunters! That's even worse than being in the way of a werewolf!"

    "I'm sorry," Felix said softly, withering under Changbin's glare. "I heard a vampire I knew  being taken away and I couldn't just sit there and do nothing about it!"

    "What is it with you and constantly laying down your life for others? Aren't vampires supposed to be selfish? I don't know how old you really are, but I'm surprised you're still alive when you keep pulling stunts like this."

    Felix stayed quiet, his eyes glued to the sliver of moon that was peering through the gap in the trees. "Look, I know you mean well but you can't keep putting yourself in dangerous-and possibly deadly-situations. I care about you and I don't think I could live with myself if something ever happened to you."

    "I promise I won't put myself in danger anymore," Felix vowed, his expression serious. "I mean it this time." Changbin was still skeptical about the vampire's intentions and forced him to pinky swear on it.

    "Can you stop being so sappy?" Hyunjin's voice complained through the phone. "You're making me feel single."

    Muting the phone, he returned to rambling about how Felix had nearly given him a heart attack when he ran off. Felix silenced him by pinching his lips together, a mischievous smile on his face.

    "Who knew pigs could be so angry?"

    "I'm not a pig!"

    "Am I interrupting something?" A familiar voice asked from behind them, causing Changbin to nearly jump out of his skin. Seungmin was looking down at them from behind the bush, his face in shadow.   

    "Oh thank god you're here," Changbin grumbled. "Lead the way. I can't see shit."

    Seungmin spent the rest of the walk back lecturing Felix, only stopping when they came to an area where vampire hunters were nearby. Soon enough, they were back in the car leaving the hunters in a wild goose chase for a vampire that had long since escaped.

    As soon as they opened the door to the bar, Jisung and Chan came rushing out, their faces pale and worn from their transformation back into a human. They were just about to ask where everyone had been when their eyes landed on the outlier.

    "Why are you bringing Changbin to the bar?" Chan asked, checking him from top to bottom to see if there was any non-human trait about him that he had failed to notice sooner.

    "He's a human just in case you were wondering," Minho said calmly. "To make a long story short, he somehow found out about this place and came inside. We had to explain everything to him before he called the police. He was chill about it for whatever reason."

    Minho had purposely left out the part where one of them had gotten loose and attacked Felix. If they didn't remember it then it was better not to them so they could have a clean conscience. The others filed inside to discuss what they had been up to, leaving Felix and Changbin alone in the alley.

    "They didn't hurt you too badly, did they?" Changbin asked, preparing to return to the warehouse and give the vampire hunters a piece of his mind if they had.

    "Nah. The worst they did was give me a nosebleed. I'm lucky that you guys were able to find me so quickly because they were planning on leaving me out in the sun instead of driving a stake through my heart."

    "Why are they allowed to kill vampires so brutally or at all? It's still murder," Changbin said, his eyes wide.

    "I don't make the rules so I wouldn't know why. My best guess is that they think they can do whatever they want with us since we're not human."

    A comfortable silence fell between them, bringing the unpleasant conversation to a close. It was now early in the morning and Changbin was having trouble keeping his eyes open now that the adrenaline had worn off and was no longer keeping him awake.

    "I think I owe you something."

    He leaned closer to Felix, closing the gap between their bodies as he pulled the vampire into a soft kiss.

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