Chapter 3

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Felix didn't hesitate to make a move on his target. He quickly ran over to the owner, kneeling down next to him like he hadn't staged the whole interaction.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice filled with concern. The owner's knee was scraped and bleeding, filling the air with the delicious scent of his blood.

"I'm fine, thank you," The owner said with a smile. He stood up, fumbling with the boxes of most likely smashed candy.

"Let me help you with that," Felix offered, taking more than half of the boxes, ignoring the owner's protests. "I'm guessing you don't open for a while, so I can help you clean up your knee."

The owner seemed taken aback by the act of kindness, not used to receiving help from strangers. If he knew Felix's true intentions, he probably wouldn't have been as pleased. They entered the sweet shop, the smell of chocolate filling the air. Humans would have thought it smelled wonderful, magical even, but Felix thought it was tainting the scent of the owner's blood.

"This is quite the shop you have going on," Felix marveled, staring at the shelves of assorted candies. Maybe he should redecorate the bar like this. "My name's Felix, by the way."

"I'm Changbin," The owner replied, more reserved than he had expected. "You can put the boxes on the counter."

Following his directions, he placed the boxes on the counter. For such a large shop, he wondered why Changbin was the only employee. The cash register was covered with cute stickers of bunnies and corny inspirational quotes that caused him to laugh.

"What's wrong with my setup?" Changbin asked defensively.

"Nothing," Felix laughed. "I think it's cute, that's all. Now, we should probably get your knee taken care of before you open up."

"Thanks, but I can take care of myself," He replied coolly, beginning to unpack the sweets from one of the boxes.

"I know you can, but I would feel better if I did it for you," Felix insisted. He knew Minho was growing impatient outside, but he was no longer important at the moment.

Hesitantly, Changbin led him into the back room and pulled out a first-aid kit, packed to the point of bursting with bandaids and medical supplies. He sat down on the stool in the corner of the room and watched as Felix did his thing.

Being so close to Changbin's open wound made his mouth water once again. The crimson streaks of blood that ran down his leg were mesmerizing. Only now did he realize how hungry he was. Suppressing his rumbling stomach, he cleaned the gravel away from the wound and rubbed ointment on it before putting on a bandaid.

Changbin began to stand up, but Felix shoved him back down again. He couldn't ignore his hunger. Not when a prey this tasty was just within reach. He leaned closer to Changbin's neck, fangs poking through his gums.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Changbin cried, trying to push him off, but his grip was too tight.

His fangs sank deep into Changbin's neck who let out a soft whimper from the pain. Changbin's blood was warm and sweet, the bitterness adding a unique flavor that didn't exist in any of his wines. Felix only realized what he was doing when he felt how full his stomach was getting.

Almost in a blur, he pulled back from his shocked victim, wiping the blood from his lips. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a handful of herbs and placing them on the puncture wounds on Changbin's neck. The puncture wounds stopped bleeding instantly and began to close up.

"Please take this," Felix said urgently, handing Changbin a large, white pill.

"What...what are you? Stay away from me, you freak!" Changbin yelled, still in shock.

"Just shut up and take the pill if you don't want me to kill you."

Changbin quickly swallowed the pill, his eyes going out of focus for a second before coming back into focus.

"Thanks for the help, Felix," He said as if nothing had just happened. "Follow me, I'll give you something for your trouble."

Felix followed Changbin back into the main room, attempting to mask his panic. Changbin had blood that any vampire would quite literally kill for if it meant having it all to themselves. If he sold Changbin's blood as wine, vampires would hunt him down and drain him dry just to taste more.

Changbin handed him a bag filled with assorted sweets, a bright smile on his face. "Here! Also, feel free to stop by if you ever need something."

"I will! See you later," Felix said, for some reason feeling like he was on cloud nine. He knew the sweets would taste awful to him, but it felt rude to just throw them away.

The moment he left the shop, Minho walked up to him, his skin beginning to blister. It looked painful just to look at him. "Took you long enough. What did you think of the target?"

"Hyunjin was mistaken. His blood is mediocre." 

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