Chapter 7

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Abruptly, he grabbed Changbin's arm and pulled him to the other side of the street, quickly looking for cars before running across. He knew there was a public restroom in the park where he could clean the scratch and be relatively safe.

"Where are you taking me? Why are you acting like this?" Changbin demanded, attempting to kill his arm away from Felix's vice grip. "It's not like I'm gonna bleed out."
"How about you keep your mouth shut?" He replied in a low voice that seemed to startle the other. Quite frankly, he didn't want to explain that vampires and the like existed just yet. Even if that knowledge would keep him alive.

They ran through the park, freshly-cut green grass trampled under their feet. Felix felt the hairs on the back of his neck stick up, knowing they were being followed. Another vampire was hot on their heels.

Felix pulled Changbin inside of the restroom, finding the first available stall and locking the door behind them. A locked door wouldn't keep a vampire out for long, but it would delay their attack.

"Do you have a bandaid?" Felix asked, using toilet paper to clean away the blood that had bubbled up from the scratch. It wasn't the best option, but he had to work with what he had.

"Yeah, give me a moment."

The scent of his blood was intoxicating. It was hard for him to focus on stopping the bleeding when he knew it tasted delicious. He could have sneaked a taste when he wasn't paying attention, but blood from the neck or shoulder tasted so much better.

He stood up abruptly, leaning his head close to Changbin's shoulder, his lips brushing against the exposed flesh. Blue veins were slightly visible under the skin, containing the blood he craved for.

"Felix?" Changbin asked a hint of fear in his voice. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry," He said quickly, immediately dropping back down to the ground to put a bandaid on the wound. His face flushed in embarrassment, knowing he hadn't been the slightest bit secretive.

"Do you have a blood kink or something? You always start acting weird when I bleed," Changbin said accusingly. "If you do, that's fine, but don't get horny whenever you see my blood."

"That's not it," Felix said quickly, his cheeks burning. How would he cover this up?


"Wait. Be quiet for a moment please."

Felix held his index finger to his lips, signaling for the other to be silent. The click of shoes against the tiled floor let him know that they were not alone. The person walked up to the stall they were in and stopped, their white running shoes visible through the gap in the stall.

Changbin nearly jumped out of his skin when the person slammed their fist against the stall door three times. Each hit was delivered with enough force to knock a stall off its hinges. Normally, vampires were very subtle when they hunted, sneaking up on their prey without them knowing. This one was too hungry to care about being subtle.

"I know you're in there," He called in a sing-song voice. "I can smell you."

"Stay here, okay?" Felix whispered to Changbin, before standing on the toilet and pulling himself over the stall door.

He launched himself off the top of the stall, landing just behind a now shocked-looking vampire. The shock quickly wore off as the vampire reeled back his fist and swung, prepared to fight for his meal. Felix barely moved out of the way in time, the rush of air caused by the force of the swing blowing against his cheek in a quick stream.

Grabbing the vampire, Felix shoved him with enough force to push him over to the sinks across from the stalls, slamming his head into the marble. The vampire fell to the ground limp, blood trickling down their face from a cut just below the hairline. It would only take him a few minutes to wake up again.

"Changbin, let's go," He said urgently, tapping lightly on the stall door.

"What did you do?" He demanded. Having only heard what happened, and not knowing that the other person was a vampire, one could easily assume that a murder had just been committed.

"I'll explain later. They'll be okay, I promise."
Hesitantly, Changbin left the stall. His eyes widened at the sight of the vampire lying unconscious on the floor. He didn't want to have to explain any of this to him. It was selfish, since telling him would give him the means to protect himself when he was alone. The overwhelming majority of him wanted Changbin to be ignorant so he would have an excuse to protect him.

"He'll wake up soon. Believe it or not, the blow wasn't as strong as you might think."

Changbin rushed out of the bathroom without further persuasion, leaving Felix running after him. Normally, vampires were a somewhat understanding species and were willing to find other prey if the one they were chasing had been caught first. This one had been desperate to get his hands on Changbin's blood.

"He was probably drunk," Felix reasoned. "I've run into my fair share of drunk people in the park."

"Probably," Changbin said absentmindedly. "We could have been having a moment for all he knew."

"You mean we weren't?"

"Unless you panicking and being horny is having a moment, then no."
"I wasn't being horny!"

"Okay, Mr. Blood Kink. I'm pretty sure you were either attempting to kiss me or bite me. Am I that irresistible?"

"Shut up or I just might actually bite you."

"That's kinky."
They went back and forth like that until Changbin was safe inside his own house. Their walk through town didn't go the way he had wanted and ended too quickly to have even been considered a get-together. It would have been an understatement to say that he was disappointed.

There had to be a way to keep vampires away from him. Something that he was immune to.

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