Chapter 8

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After researching for something to keep vampires away for most of the night, he came up at a loss. The only things that the internet provided him with were myths like garlic, holy water, and Bibles. While vampires didn't like those things, they wouldn't go out of their way to avoid them. Despite being a vampire himself, he had no clue what would keep other ones away.

"Why are you working so hard to keep vampires away from someone whose blood smells like sour milk?" Minho asked, sinking into the seat next to him. "Does someone have the hots for a human?"

"I don't like him!" Felix cried, his face slightly flushed. That statement was a lie, but it would be better for him to deny his feelings. After all, humans and vampires don't mix. "I would just feel better if I could keep other vampires away from him for safety measures."

"Okay, something's off," Minho accused, leaning closer to the younger. "Hate to break it to you, but no one, especially a vampire, goes through these lengths to protect someone they don't like romantically. Either that or you're hiding something from me."

"That's not true! I just care about him enough to want him to be safe."

"Felix, you're in denial. Going by your logic, you have to protect Changbin from yourself as well. The best thing you can do for him is leave his life. I know you're well aware of it by now, but take it from someone who has experienced it all their life. Nothing good comes from being a vampire."

Felix stared at his laptop, realization hitting like a truck. Unfortunately, everything Minho had said was true. With him around, he was only putting Changbin at risk. He had already developed a taste for his blood and there was no knowing when he might give in to his hunger and drink him dry.

Changbin had been his escape from reality. When he was working at the sweet shop, he could pretend he wasn't a vampire and was back living an ordinary life. Being around him was a sweet release from the hole he had dug for himself decades ago. As selfish as it was, he didn't want to let go just yet.

"That's enough," Chan said, breaking up the bleak conversation. "I think he's well aware of the situation he's in. Changbin's a good guy. As long as Felix hasn't and continues not to cause him harm, he should be allowed to continue work at the sweet shop."

Felix gulped, wishing he could swallow the guilt of having already harmed him. He had drunk his blood once and almost did so again. All signs pointed towards him leaving Changbin's life, but it was a reality he didn't want to accept.

"What's with the long face?" Jisung asked, interrupting the less-than-pleasant conversation. He draped himself over the armrest of the loveseat, his head coming to rest in Minho's lap.

"Isn't it gonna be a full moon soon?" Minho asked, not phased by how insensitive the question was.

Chan's lips pierced into a straight line and Jisung shivered at the question. "Don't remind me," Jisung complained. "It's like the furry version of a period."

"Never said that again," Felix chimed in, wishing he had never heard that statement.

"Fine, but I won't apologize for telling the truth."

Thankfully, Hyunjin and Jeongin had taken this time to step away from work, sparing them from any more of Jisung's strange ideas. Seungmin followed close behind them, his skin paler than usual.

"Oh!" Felix cried abruptly. "Jeongin, before I forget, Changbin told me he's become interested in nine-tailed foxes. I thought you would like to hear."

Jeongin's face immediately lit up with excitement, not used to people being interested in his species. Nine-tailed foxes were often disregarded as folklore, or forgotten about altogether.

"What about me?" Hyunjin complained.

"Face it. Not many people know about Imoogi."

"But Imoogi are badass!"

"I think you sometimes forget that you're cursed."

"Still badass though."

Seungmin rolled his eyes, tired of the exchange. "So was there drama going on before? I could smell it from a mile away."

"I would say more of an internal conflict rather than drama was going on," Jisung answered with a shrug.

"Felix caught the hots for that chinbin guy, didn't he?" Seungmin asked in a monotone.

"First of all, his name is Changbin. How many times do I need to say that I don't like him?"

Frustrated with the whole ordeal, he stepped out of the room to have some time to himself. The conversation was even harder for him to have when he knew that his days left with Changbin were numbered. 

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