Chapter 18

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Minho stopped the car at the base of a long, unpaved driveway that led to the warehouse where Felix was being held. Hyunjin had blueprints of the warehouse on his phone and was going over them with an anxious Changbin.

    "I'm sorry I couldn't bring you closer, but it would be hard for the hunters to ignore some random car pulling up," Minho said apologetically. "Do you want Seungmin to come with you? At least until you get to the entrance?"

    "I'll be okay," Changbin replied, going over the blueprints one more time. He had no idea where in the building Felix was located, and would most likely have to search every possible area for him. "Do you have a pocket knife or something? I might need it."

    Wordlessly, Seungmin dug through the glove compartment and handed over a pathetic looking pocket knife, but it would have to do.

    "Good luck," Hyunjin said, patting him on the back. "By the way, our end of the call will be muted, so you won't be able to hear us talking."

    Changbin nodded and slid out of the car, the darkness engulfing him. The driveway wasn't steep like the one to the haunted house, but it made up for that in length. The moon cast shadows in the shape of tree branches on the driveway, making it easier to see, but much creepier. The full moon was beginning to wane, meaning that Chan and Jisung were most likely wondering where the hell everyone was.

    As much as he wanted to turn on his phone flashlight, he needed to conserve the battery and using it made it more likely that he would get caught. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he set it to speaker before placing it in his back pocket. The walk up the driveway seemed to go on forever and gave him more time to dread what he was about to do. If he got into trouble, it would take a decent amount of time for the others to get to him.

    At the top of the driveway, the warehouse was blended in with the forest surrounding it. It looked like it had seen better days from its slightly unstable structure and holes in the siding, but it could still be functional if someone wanted to use it.

    Three people milled around the entrance, leaving him no option but to go around back. Low hanging branches and thorns snagged his clothes and cut his face as he cut through the forest. Hopefully, there was an unlocked door for him to use. If not, he would have to find a hole large enough for him to squeeze through.

    He stepped out of the forest, feeling blindly around the aluminum siding. Occasionally, a small hole would serve as a flashlight until he moved by. He was beginning to lose hope when his hand landed on something metal. A door.

    Holding the pocket knife at the ready in his left hand, he opened the door to be greeted by blinding light. The warehouse wasn't that brightly lit, but after being in the pitch black for so long it felt like it was. Shelves stocked with god knows what were lined up in rows, breaking the warehouse into sections like a grocery store.

    According to Hyunjin, the vampire hunters had never set up shop in the warehouse before, and didn't know much about the layout. If there were more people walking around inside, they were more likely to miss hidden entrances like the one he had come in through.

    He quickly searched up and down the isles for any sign of Felix, careful to check behind the boxes on the lower levels of the shelves. If they were truly professionals, they wouldn't leave him out in the open for anyone to find. Once or twice, he was narrowly spotted by hunters passing the isles, chatting quietly amongst themselves.

    After he had gone through at least six isles, a box began moving around. He cautiously approached it, moving it out of the way to get a look at who lay behind. Felix stared at him, his red eyes wide with shock. His arms and legs were bound tightly together by chains. Despite his enhanced strength, no matter how much he struggled against them, they wouldn't budge.

    "What are you doing here?" Felix whispered, afraid of being overheard. The remnants of a nosebleed stained the portion of his face from his nose to chin with dark blood.

    "Don't worry about that." He knelt down next to the vampire, locating a lock on the chains and went to work jimmying it open with the pocket knife.

    "Changbin, you need to leave right now," Felix whispered urgently, attempting to push him away.

    "Stay still and let me help you. We'll get out of here together."

    "No, look-" Changbin slowly looked behind him, two people in dark uniforms stood behind him, guns trained at his forehead prepared to kill. He heard a soft click as the lock fell away from the chains and Felix was freed. That's when the chaos broke out.

    "The vampire is on the loose and he has an accomplice," One of the hunters yelled into a pager and fired a bullet as Changbin made his first move.

    The bullet lodged itself in the box just to the left of his head. He ducked under the other hunter and stabbed them in the arm, their gun falling to the floor as they fired one last shot that embedded itself in the floor. As the hunter jumped back, howling in pain, Changbin scooped up the gun and trained it at the other hunter as Felix came up behind them, pinning them to the ground and pulling their arm back until it snapped.

    By then, more hunters were on their way. "This way!" Changbin yelled, waving in and out of isles and avoiding multiple bullets being shot at them. One came dangerously close to his hip, but he had been able to move away in the nick of time. The hunters didn't know about the somewhat hidden entrance, so they were able to exit with a somewhat ease.

    They could hear the hunters yelling after them as they sprinted out of the warehouse and into the forest to make their getaway before they got far enough away that it went silent.

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