Chapter 2

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As dawn began to roll around, Felix started closing up the bar, pouring the final drinks to a few stragglers. He had a room out back of the bar for customers to stay if it were too dangerous to go out for the time being, but there was limited space. During full moons, that space automatically went to werewolves.

He escorted the last of his customers out of the bar, a bright smile on his face. He had no clue what they did when the bar was closed, but he hoped they stayed safe. With everyone gone, he could focus his attention on Hyunjin and Jeongin who expressed an interest in working with him.

"So, how old are you guys?" Minho asked, organizing the wines on the shelf. It was a bit of an invasive question, but a common one among non-humans.

"I don't think you're ready for an answer to that," Hyunjin replied with a smirk but answered it anyway. "Jeongin's 56 so he's pretty young. I'm 700."

Felix's jaw nearly dropped for the second time that night. He would have never guessed Hyunjin was that old from the way he acted in school. From what he knew about imoogi, he still had 300 years left before he fulfilled his purpose and had to leave the human world behind.

"What about you, Lix?" Hyunjin asked, serving as Jeongin's voice which he had done for as long as he could remember. "Other than you being a bit on the pale side, I would have never guessed you were a vampire."

"I'm 84," He replied simply. He stopped counting long ago, but that was his estimate.

They ended up talking until the sun came up, going over the ropes of how the bar worked and their daily lives. Jisung had made it very clear that he was bitter about the others' immortality or partial immortality. Chan didn't seem to care, and Seungmin was downright repulsed by it.

"We're gonna head out, but remember what I said," Hyunjin said. "Laventer Sweet Shop."

Once he left, Felix went into the back room to change into a long-sleeved shirt and pants. It was supposed to be a scorcher, but he would rather sweat than be burnt to a crisp. When he was finished, he met Minho by the door, preparing to head out. It was better for vampires to travel in groups in case of a run-in with a vampire hunter.

As they were leaving, Jisung pelted them with what they assumed was garlic. Felix picked up a clove of it, staring at it with a confused expression. Minho just looked outright pissed.

"Not everything you hear about vampires in movies is true, asshat!" Minho yelled, shoving a clove of garlic down Jisung's throat. "I don't have time for this."

Things such as garlic, holy water, and crosses didn't affect them like they did in the movies. Unfortunately, being extremely sensitive to the sun was not a myth. After fifteen minutes of exposure to the sun, it would start getting painful. Two hours of direct sunlight would kill them.

"Are you sure you're okay going out like that?" Chan asked, pointing to Minho's short-sleeved button-up shirt.

"I don't think we'll be out for long, so it should be fine," Minho said coolly. He hated being outside, but he knew it was essential for Felix's safety.

They left the bar, following the instructions on Felix's phone to get to the sweet shop. Within minutes, Minho was clearly regretting his fashion choice, clawing uncomfortably at his skin which was tanning rapidly. Vampires could partially work up their tolerance to the sun, but Minho had never put any effort into it. Luckily, the sweet shop was right up the street.

"I know what I'm looking for, so could you stand by and let me do the work?" Felix asked, knowing without an answer that Minho would comply.

As he approached the sweet shop, he was surprised he had never noticed it earlier. The building was painted a pretty lavender that went along with the salmon interior that could be seen through the large display windows. Seeing the owner was enough to give him whiplash.

The owner had a silver undercut that matched the one in the picture Hyunjin had shown him. He wore dark, gothic clothing with an unholy amount of chains, but his expression was warm and friendly. He looked like both the softest man alive and someone that would beat you up for fun.

"Holy shit, he's hot," Felix muttered, earning a snort from Minho.

"Yeah yeah. Let's not go around falling in love with humans. Don't forget what you're here for."

"Right. I'll take care of it from here. Go find some shade and wait for me to come back."

Once Minho was out of sight, he kicked a large rock in the owner's path where he was sure to trip. While was bringing a load of boxes inside, his shoes caught on the rock, sending him falling forward, the boxes tumbling to the ground.

Almost instantly, a delicious smell filled the air that made his mouth water. It was the perfect balance of bitter and sweet, unlike any blood he had ever smelled before. This is what he needed and he would do anything to get his hands on it.

He soon realized why he had Minho scout for blood. His blood-thirsty nature outweighed his humanity if only for a brief, but scary, period of time. Hyunjin knew what he was talking about. This one would be his.

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