Chapter 6

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Felix spent the next hour in a training speed run, Changbin obviously in a rush to have someone to relieve him of some of his responsibilities. As a business owner, (even if it was somewhat illegal) he understood how stressful it could be to run alone.

"Did you understand that?" Finishing his passionate lecture and demonstration. "If you don't understand something, I would be happy to go over it again."

"I think I get it."

Changbin had been suspicious about Felix's warning earlier but had moved past it fairly quickly. There was no way of knowing if Changbin had taken his warning seriously, or if he assumed it was a prank. He hoped it was the first option.

"Perfect!" Changbin replied, slapping his hands together. "Wanna hang out after work? I'll be seeing a lot of you from here on out, so I'd like to get to know you better."

"Of course! I look forward to it!" Afterward, he couldn't help but wonder if he had answered with too much enthusiasm. Maybe he should have just said no. Humans and vampires don't mix and it would only cause him pain if he got his hopes up.

Felix took a large gulp of the blood hidden inside a water bottle, feeling the warm liquid run down his throat. It in no way compared to the taste of Changbin's blood which made him crave another bite. Not every vampire could control their hunger like he could, which would cause a dangerous situation if another vampire ever got a taste of his blood.

Not even two minutes after Changbin switched on the 'open' sign which flashed a vibrant red, customers came through the door. Very familiar customers at that.

"Already being put to work I see," Hyunjin teased, eyeing his pastel pink uniform with amusement.

"Do you know them?" Changbin asked, raising an eyebrow at the questionable crowd that had just walked through the door.

"Yep! They're my friends. Apparently, they want to see me at work," Felix replied, a bit worried that one of them might slip up. Especially Jisung.

Jisung wore a black privacy mask and hid slightly behind Chan, nervous to be outside and understandably so. A year ago, he had attacked Chan, his family who held a lot of power in town, sending out a manhunt that wouldn't end until he was found. Chan had already explained that he held no grudge against his attacker, but his parents refused to drop the case. It would have been worse if they had known that Jisung was a werewolf.

"Nice to meet you all," Changbin said awkwardly. "Feel free to look around."

Jeongin pointed at a large bag of sour candy, his eyes lighting up like a child's. He ran around the store, scooping up candies left and right. Chan was having a hard time trying to keep the three from buying out the whole store. Felix felt jealousy tug at his chest, wishing he could go back to the time when he could taste sweets.

"Are Minho and Seungmin sleeping?" Felix asked, noting their absence.

Chan nodded in response. "It seems like that's all they do these days. Anyway, we should get going."

Chan paid for the candies, thanked Changbin, and proceeded to forcibly remove the three from the store.

"Take care of Felix or else," Jisung said a bit too nicely to be considered a threat before the door closed behind him. From the display window, he could see Chan practically dragging Jeongin by the ear down the sidewalk.

When he looked over at Changbin for his reaction, he surprisingly had a wide smile on his face. For someone who dressed like a hitman, he was a real sweetheart.

"What's that look for?" Felix asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Nothing. Go back to work."


The day flew by, despite the fact that work was a bit slow. It was a weekday and most people were at work with barely enough time to worry about a small sweet shop. However, it left the two workers plenty of time to talk to each other.

"Where do you wanna go?" Felix asked, hanging up his uniform in the back room.

"Maybe we could just walk through town?" He suggested, finishing up wiping down the counters. "It's a bit too early to eat right now."

"Sounds good," He approved, glad that he didn't have to force himself to stomach any food and deal with the consequences later.

They left the sweet shop and began walking up the street to the popular side of town. The sky had turned a deep blue, clouds that looked like pink cotton candy scattered across it. The air was chilly but comfortable, feeling nice against his exposed skin.

"This is random, but I watched a drama lately that had me thinking," Changbin began, staring up at the sky. "Wouldn't it be cool if creatures like a nine-tailed fox existed? I'm sure they wouldn't be the same as in the dramas, but it would be nice to see one. I'm not sure about vampires or werewolves, though. They're a bit scary, don't you think?"
He knew Jeongin would have been happy to hear that, but he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and anger. Jeongin would have triggered awe in him. If Changbin knew he was a vampire, he would have been scared or disgusted. It wasn't a new concept to him, but it hurt more coming from someone who he had grown to care for. This wasn't the first time in his life where he longed to be someone else.

"I'm not so sure about that. If they existed, people wouldn't like them that much," Felix answered, speaking from experience. "Humans don't like when someone is different from what they deem normal."
Changbin nodded, seeing the truth in his words. A bike rider snapped them out of their conversation, riding a bit too close to Changbin. He mumbled a soft 'ow' as the pedal scraped against the side of his leg.

Felix quickly looked down, his eyes widening at the sight of a few drops of blood beading up from the scratch. The small amount of blood was still enough to cause a strong smell to waft through the air. He felt his fangs poking through his guns, craving another taste. Vampires in the area no doubt felt the same.


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