Chapter 16

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"Hurry up, dorito chin!" Felix yelled from the entrance booth, waiting in line to buy tickets. "We don't have all night!"

    "I'm not running that slow!" Changbin complained, panting as he approached. Having had to run up an unpaved dirt road, he was surprised that Felix wasn't out of breath.

    The haunted house fit the usual stereotype except for the fact that it had been white, long turned gray from the dirt being blown at it. The structure seemed as if it would collapse at any moment and he could hear people screaming whenever the door opened for someone new to enter.

    "Are you scared, Binnie?" Felix asked in a sing-song voice, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

    "Of course I'm not!" Changbin insisted, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. "I'll pay. From what I heard, you're in a bit of a financial situation right now."

    The vampire frowned slightly at the statement, but didn't argue. "By the way, how are you acting so calm about everything? I was sure you would have freaked or decided that you didn't want me in your life anymore."

    "I had my mental breakdown over it days ago, so I think I'm past it by now. Plus, it doesn't matter what or who you are to me. You're one of the sweetest people I've ever met and your thing with blood doesn't change anything. I'm honestly more scared of Minho slapping my ass than I am of you hurting me."

    "I never knew you could be so corny," Felix sniffed, wiping away an imaginary tear. "And being afraid of Minho slapping your ass is a valid tear. He's been slapping asses for centuries and yours just might be next."

    Changbin rolled his eyes, paying for their tickets when they made it to the front of the line. An employee opened the door for them, the inside pitch black. A few random, high-pitched screams pierced through the darkness as they made their way forward. Soon, the darkness was dispersed by a disorienting amount of strobe lights.

    Fog from a fog machine circling their ankles, making it impossible for them to see where their footing was. Across the hall was a bridge that was seemingly suspended over nothing but a black abyss. Voices from speakers whispered in their ears as they approached, warning of the dangers that lie ahead.

    Felix screamed as he took the first step across the bridge. The floor of the bridge was soft and squishy, sinking slightly under his weight. It felt as if they were walking over a pile of corpses or through a river of blood.

    "It's okay," Changbin coaxed, walking to the halfway point of the bridge and stopping. "See? The floor's just a bit weird. What's across this bridge is what you have to worry about."

    Hesitantly, the vampire walked across, meeting Changbin at the other side. The narrow hallway turned to the right, the strobe lights mercifully replaced by a singular yellow light in the middle of the hall. Every few steps, there was a window opening to small, seemingly empty rooms. Changbin peered inside, trying to get a better look at what might be hidden inside.

    On cue, someone covered in blood with long, tangled blakc hair popped up and slammed their fist against the glass, scaring the unsuspecting Changbin shitless. He jumped back, bumping into Felix as he did so. Felix stared laughing hysterically as Changbin looked back into the room to give the actor a piece of his mind, but they were already gone.

    "You really fell for that?" The vampire asked, trying to pull himself together. His response was a disgruntled 'shut up' as he tried to calm his racing heart.   

    Past the hallway was when more jumpscares began. Felix quickly got used to them and barely flinched when they jumped out after being scared once or twice, but they got Changbin everytime. Changbin leaned against him, his face sweaty from being scared three times in a row.

    Felix smiled mischievously, ruffling the shorter's hair when they reached a long stretch of dark hallway where no one would jump out at them. "I thought you weren't scared."

    "Where do they keep coming from?" Changbin asked, more to himself than anyone else. "There was barely anywhere to hide!"

    At the end of the hall, there was a cage large enough to fit at least two grown adults inside. A red light shown down on the two children inside. They looked like twins, one's head twisted so far to the side that it looked like their neck had been snapped.

    "Let's be friends...forever," They said in unison, wide, creepy smiles stretching across their faces.

    "That sounds wonderful, but I'm a bit busy right now," Felix said in a genuinely apologetic voice. "Is tomorrow okay?"

    Changbin pulled the vampire away from the cage, two faint giggles following his departure. Flix had been saying witty things to the actors the entire way so that Changbin could find some humor in it without being scared half to death. Even though he didn't show it, he found it quite funny.

    The walk through the haunted house came to an end once they crossed through a room full of white strobe lights that reflected off of large mirrors that stretched from the floor to ceiling. It was set up like an easily navigated maze to the exit though it was slightly disorienting.

    As they stepped into the threshold of the room, the hidden machinery kicked into gear above them. Body bags hung from an over-head conveyor belt, slamming against the mirrors as they turned the corner. Felix shrugged his shoulders to his ears in a subtle attempt to block out the noise.

    Changbin reached out and grabbed his hand, leading the vampire through the maze. He didn't know why that room in particular was distressing to him, but he felt like it would be better if he didn't. The noise was left behind them as they exited the haunted house and walked out at the opposite end of the haunted house.

    The moment the door closed behind them, Felix broke into a wide smile, rambling on about how much he had enjoyed himself.

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