Chapter 15

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It was recently discovered that a wooden stake to the heart is not the only thing that will kill a vampire. While it still works, vampires can be killed by anything that can kill a human, though it would be significantly harder. Vampires are a violent species and should be reported to vampire hunters immediately upon being spotted to be exterminated.

    Changbin put the book down on his nightstand, not sure why he was still reading it when he had learned first hand that everything in it was a blatant lie. No human had put in the effort to understand the species even the slightest bit before senselessly killing of their kind in large numbers.

    Clearing the morbid thoughts from his mind, he prepared himself for Felix's arrival. According to Minho, he was fully healed and ecstatic to be going out with him. Everyone had called it a date, but he was sure they didn't mean it that way. He didn't think he had feelings for the other. Besides, humans and vampires only got together in corny young adult movies.

    He had spent the previous day using his free time to research the creatures he had run into at the bar. After hours of research, he could understand why people feared them, but not why they wanted them dead. Sure, they might be powerful enough to kill him with a simple slap on the wrist, but they were no different than the people he ran into on the street personality wise.

    A pounding on the door snapped him out of his thoughts. He really hoped that it was Felix or else he had a burglar to deal with. Peeking out the side window, he saw something with silver hair doing some strange dance on the front step. With that, he eliminated the option of a burglar.

    He opened the front door, suppressing a smile. "What are you doing?"

    "Waiting for your slow ass. Don't you know it's rude to keep people waiting?"

    Normally, he would have chewed him out and told him that it had only taken him less than a minute. However, his joy upon seeing the other alive and well got the best of him, pulling Felix into a tight embrace.

    The other stiffened at the sudden embrace but quickly melted into it, his head coming to rest in the crook of his neck. Something about the hug was extremely comforting to him. Maybe he did have feelings for him after all.

    "Stop doing things to worry me, okay?" Changbin said softly but sternly, pulling away from the embrace. "What you did was extremely reckless. You could have died!"

    "Okay, dad," Felix giggled. "But there's no need to worry. It would take a lot more than that to kill me. Anyways, it's hard for me to walk long distances after being in bed for so long. Would you mind carrying me?"

    Without hesitation, Changbin bent down to give him a piggyback ride. "I was just joking, you know!" Felix cried. "I can walk on my own."

    "You're gonna be doing a lot of walking at the haunted house anyway," Changbin insisted. "You should save your energy until then."

    Eventually, Felix gave in, climbing onto Changbin's back and wrapping his arms loosely around his neck. He was a bit heavy, but it was a small price to pay for the pain he had forced the vampire to endure.

    "You better not drop me," Felix warned jokingly, lightly tapping Changbin's sides as if he were riding a horse. "Onward noble steed."

    He rolled his eyes at Felix's antics but went along with them. Seeing Felix get tossed across the bar like a rag doll had kept him up at night, wondering if he would ever recover. Having him fooling around and acting like his normal, cheerful self was more than he could ever wish for.

    "I hope you don't mind me asking you this, but what does it mean if a vampire gets bitten by a werewolf? Do you become a cross between the two or something like that?"

    Felix began laughing like it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. "Of course not! You're either one or the other. I could get bitten by a werewolf a million times and it wouldn't make a difference. The same goes for if I bit a werewolf."

    "There's still so much I don't know," Changbin sighed, finding it difficult to tell where he was going without the street lights lighting up the street signs.

    "Don't beat yourself up over it. Not even I know everything there is to know about vampires!"

    "Could I ask one more thing?"

    "Ask away."

    "Is it true that-at least in the past-vampires would drain any human they drank from? I know the books are all lies, but  I can't stop thinking about how awful of a death that would be."

    "It's true," Felix said seriously. "Sometimes it still happens today, but it was more common back in the day. Vampires didn't care much about human well-being then, so they would select their prey and drink from them until they were full. Usually, that results in their death.

    Nowadays, vampires have learned to be more ethical. Usually we either get blood from blood banks or if we do hunt the traditional way, we only take enough blood to get by."

    Changbin listened intently, learning only now how difficult the species had it. They had changed their hunting methods to preserve human likes and yet they were still perceived as monsters and hunted mercilessly by ignorant people who thought they knew it all.

    The conversation ended as Felix pointed to a side road marked by a rotted wooden sign, practically vibrating from excitement. "We're here!"

    He jumped off his back and ran ahead, much faster than any human. He ran after the vampire, smiling to himself. He was in for a wild ride.

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