Chapter 11

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A brief but heavy silence fell between the two before the mentioned answered, taken aback by the sudden question. "No, of course not. Look, if you think you know something about me, tell me. I want to clear things up to make sure there's no misunderstandings."

    "That's not what I meant," Changbin replied calmly. "You said earlier that if we're gonna work together, we should trust each other. Hiding secrets isn't part of trust, is it?"   

Felix slammed his fist down on the counter, the noise of impact piercing the stillness of the room. Changbin's eyes widened with the sudden act of rage, meeting the vampire's with a look of shock.

"If you know something about me just say it, goddammit!" The vampire yelled, fed up with Changbin's obvious hints towards knowing his identity. "You've been acting strange all day and I'm sick of it! Stop beating around the bush and just tell me what you know!"

"I think you're misunderstanding me," The other said, his calm exterior beginning to break. "I don't know anything about you that you haven't told me. All I was doing was making sure you weren't being hypocritical."

"And I'm not! There's better ways to get your point across without sounding like you've uncovered dirt on me but won't tell me!"

    "I'm sorry," He said genuinely, deciding it was best to defuse the conversation earlier rather than later. "If you're calmed down later, do you want to try our walk around town again? Last time ended quicker than I would have liked."

    Felix didn't answer, his mind a hive of angry thoughts and paranoia. Changbin most definitely was onto him, whether he chose to say it or not. Nothing else could explain his sudden shift in opinion on vampires. From the way he had acted when Felix had bit him, he had a feeling Changbin wouldn't be so friendly about it if he told him.

    The work day continued on in silence, Changbin attempting to start conversation with the vampire throughout the day without success. The vampire was busy thinking over his options. Changbin had long since proven to be a liability to him and his kind. Using his blood for wine and then allowing other vampires to do what they wished with him was the safest option. However, he would never forgive himself if something bad happened to him due to his negligence.

    Near closing time, his phone vibrated, Hyunjin coming up on the caller ID. He held up his phone to Changbin, showing what he was doing before stepping outside.

    "I hold work went okay," Hyunjin began, continuing on with his monologue without giving the other a chance to speak. "Our monthly drill is gonna be put in place soon. Jeongin and I will take care of it this time. I hate the idea of having to lock up Chan and Jisung for a whole week though."

    "I know it's difficult, but it's in the best interest of their safety and ours. Let me know when the drills put in place."

    With that, he hung up the phone, preparing to enter when he saw Changbin already walking outside.

    "I cleaned up for the both of us since there wasn't much to clean today. Let walk through the town take two begin!"

    The night was much cooler than it was the night before, the air stinging at any exposed skin. As the sun disappeared behind the skyline, the town was thrust into a whole different world. The world of urgency that had existed during the day had transformed into one of carefree wandering, drifting wherever the night took them.

    Remembering Hyunjin's warning, he looked towards the sky to see that the moon was almost full. Humans often said that the full moon made people act recklessly. For werewolves, it was the complete opposite. Chan and Jisung became lethargic and weak near the full moon, dreading their painful transformation. With luck, he wouldn't be around to hear it when it happened. The popping of their bones and their agony-ridden screams sometimes still haunted him.

    The night went on, meaningless conversation passing between the two. Any of the previous tension between them had long since evaporated, replaced with the feeling of comfort and safety around each other.

    Felix couldn't help but feel guilty as he wrapped his arm around the shorter, their bodies pressed together for warmth. At that point, it was hard for him to believe that they were that close to share body heat. He was no longer paying attention to Changbin's passionate rambling, no longer captivated by his breath turning to smoke in the cold air, or how his cheeks and nose were tinged pink from the cold. He was lying to him, and for the first time, it felt wrong.

    A bond was forming between them that wasn't there before; an unspoken desire. Changbin sincerely didn't know what he was, and the opportunity to tell him had long since passed. He had promised to never keep secrets, and yet there he was breaking it. He had the right to know, but how would he react?

    "Are you okay?" The shorter asked, noticing the vacant look in his eyes.

    He wasn't okay, but he was desperately trying to convince himself that he was. If he could leave with confidence knowing that he was doing the right thing, it would make it so much easier on him. That was until he let something he had kept locked inside slip.

    "I want you."

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