Chapter 13

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The vampire's silver hair was illuminated by the full moon, making him easy to follow. There weren't many people walking around at this time, but there was always a possibility someone could cut in front of him and steal the vampire from his view.

    Vampire. That's what he had to be. Almost everything lined up perfectly when he began researching the species and their characteristics. The person he had fought in the bathroom was none other than another vampire out for his blood. No wonder he became so protective over him when he bled.

    If someone asked him why he was trailing such a dangerous creature, he wouldn't know how to answer. All his life - like most people - he believed that creatures like vampires were nothing more than scary stories. Now he had been proven wrong. A vampire had been his coworker, even confessing to liking him.

    Replaying the abrupt confession made his cheeks heat up despite the persistent cold. They had almost kissed, but he pulled away. Kissing a vampire felt wrong to him, but it didn't change the fact that he was the nicest person he had ever met.

    Felix turned down an alleyway, opening a worn wooden door that was partially concealed by the store next to it. This is where he lived? He approached the door, a sign placed above the door knob on laminated paper: 'please knock and wait. We'll be with you shortly.'

    Even though he had stalked the vampire long enough to find out where he lived, it felt inconsiderate to ignore the sign and break in. He knocked on the door, waiting patiently for Felix to answer. When he didn't, he decided to enter uninvited.

    The door creaked slightly as it opened, but it wasn't enough to alert anyone to his presence. The doorway had a dark red carpet that led down a dimly lit hallway to an open room. He followed the carpet, the back of his hand scraping against an object he couldn't see due to the dark lighting. He cursed softly, feeling the blood rising to the scratch, sure it was enough to alert Felix.

    He peeked his head out of the end of the hall, quite surprised to see a functional bar occupying the space, complete with a lounge area. What surprised him the most was that there was only wine at the bar and all the customer's eyes were on him. This was no normal bar. It was a blood bar.

    "Changbin? What are you doing here?" Felix cried, running over to him. His red eyes traveled down to his hand, panic in his eyes. "You idiot! Don't you know how much trouble you've put yourself in?"

    "I'm not here to hurt you, I just wanted to talk," He replied feebly, knowing he had backed himself into a corner. He wouldn't have entered if he knew the room would be full of hungry vampires.

    "Your time to talk passed long ago. This isn't the place-" The sound of the two simutanious agony-filled screams cut him off. The echo of popping bones was loud enough to sound as if it was right next to him.

    "W-What's that?"

    "Shit," Felix muttered, grabbing his wrist. "Jeongin, did you lock the doors?"

    Jeongin was standing a few feet away from them, frantically shaking his head from side-to-side as he rushed away to fulfill his forgotten duty. The vampires quickly evacuated the building, aware that they were no longer safe. Jeongin was too late to fix his mistake.

    "Get out of here right now!" Felix said urgently, shoving him away. To him, being bitten by a vampire was the least of his worries with two werewolves on the loose.

    He looked back just in time to see one of the werewolves enter the bar. It was human in figure, saliva dripping from its sharp, bared teeth. Its body was extremely furry and its paws were at least twice the size of a normal human's hands.

    He can't remember when or why he stopped running, but the pause was long enough for the werewolf to catch sight of him. Seungmin and Jeongin were shouting and waving around frantically, attempting to attract the werewolf's attention away from him, but it already had its mind set on him.

    It ran towards him on all fours, its red eyes never leaving him as he stood in place like a deer in headlights. In an insane spur of the moment action, Felix pushed him out of the way, causing him to fall on his butt just out of the charging werewolf's line of fire.
Unfortunately, the vampire wasn't left with enough time to get himself to safety.

    The werewolf sunk its teeth into Felix's side, shaking him around like a dog would with a chew toy, before sending him flying across the room. He stared at Felix's motionless body for a moment, before gathering the courage to fight back. He lifted up a chair, hitting the werewolf over the head with it until it slumped to the floor, unconscious.

    Without bothering to check if the werewolf was still alive, he ran over to the vampire who was already being tended to by Seungmin and Jeongin. Felix's blood was spreading slowly across the smooth floor. Unlike the normal crimson of a human's blood, his was an almost inky black.

    "You're okay, right?" Felix asked, blood bubbling at his lips when he spoke. In the moment, he looked so fragile that it made him wish he could go back in time and take the injury instead, even if it meant his own death.

    No book he had read ever told him if vampires could survive normally fatal attacks if they were dealt on a human. That's when he began to cry.

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