It only took a minute for everyone to exit the study and make their way out the house. Annabella knew Amelia was smart enough to use this time with Santiago to tell him the truth, so she decided to assist her husband.

Amelia stood still like a statue in the hall while she tried to piece together her thoughts. How was she supposed to tell a man who wants nothing to do with her, that she's pregnant with his child. Never in a million years did she see this outcome for her life. Barely 20 and already destined to be a single mother.


The sound of a glass breaking followed by swearing awoke Amelia from her day dream. She gave herself a motivating slap on the face before heading in the direction of the noise.

Finally her eyes set sight on Santiago hastily clearing up glass from the kitchen sink. He looked exactly the same as the last time she saw him, except it was clear to say he was trying something new with his beard. A kind of unruly, unkept look. Amelia was sad to admit that she liked the look on him, it made him look even more ruggedly handsome.

"Santiago." Amelia's voice was barely a whisper but he heard her, his back stiffened at the sound of her voice.

He knew it was coming. He knew he would have to face her sooner or later, but still he felt utterly unprepared.

He slowly turned around to face her properly, keeping his eyes focused on her chin. He was too chicken to look in the eyes.

"Where have you been?" Amelia asked, her voice a tad stronger.

"I've been busy." Santiago said monotonously. Amelia was surprised to find his answer infuriated her. The tone of his voice, so unbothered as if he hadn't just broken her heart.

"You've been busy?" She repeated with a scoff. "Too busy to answer my calls or texts?" Amelia found her voice was getting louder with each word. Finally she was face to face with the man that caused her to feel so low.

"Yes, a lot has been going on at home." His answer was simple yet it didn't satisfy Amelia.

"Fuck me. You really are an insensitive asshole aren't you? Do you have any idea what I've been going through these past few weeks not knowing where you were? Or why you've been ignoring me!" Amelia made her way around the kitchen island. Itching to get closer to Santiago to plant her palm across his cheek.

"I'm sorry Amelia. Look I shouldn't have said anything I said to you at your birthday party. Honestly I have no idea why I thought it would be okay to throw my life away for something that would most likely fizzle out after a month or two. I shouldn't have said those things to you and I'm sorry." Finally Santiago's gaze met Amelia's. Just in time to see tears form in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Amelia asked. She frantically used the sleeve of her dressing gown to wipe the falling tears away from her face. "D-did you not mean anything you said to me?" She asked, her voice merely a whisper.

Santiago turned his head away from her. He had to focus all of his energy at this moment in time in controlling his emotions.

Think of Ben. Think of Ben. Think of Ben. Think of Ben. Think of Ben, he repeated in his head.

"Amelia look, I'm sorry for leading you on. I'm sorry for making promises that I couldn't keep. There's things that are happening at home that I can't explain to you right now, it's private. But I can say that I'm extremely sorry for making you feel this way."

Amelia was trying to process the words coming out of Santiago's mouth but her efforts were futile.

Santiago was just like all the other men on the planet. They use women to get what they want, not caring who they hurt in the process.

Amelia was a strong person and she prided herself on doing the right thing. She knew her mother would be severely disappointed if she didn't tell Santiago her news today.

"I'm pregnant." Amelia said, surprising herself at how strong her voice sounded.

Santiago's head whipped round to Amelia. His eye's narrowed as he observed her, an eyebrow raised as her words floated in the air.

After an agonisingly slow few seconds Santiago began to laugh. His head thrown back as he let out a cackle sound from the depths of his throat.

Amelia watched him laugh to himself like a madman, her face set in stone as a feeling of hatred seeped into her body.

Finally Santiago settled himself down and looked to Amelia again. Her breathing was getting deeper as she grinded her teeth together.

"Do you think this is a joke?" She asked. "I'm pregnant. I found out last week. You would have known already if you weren't too busy playing happy families with your fiancé and ignoring my calls."

Santiago's face fell, his features set in stone as he watched Amelia closely, waiting for any sign of a lie.

After the pair had stared each other down for a moment too long, Santiago finally reacted. The closest thing to him was the freshly prepared fruit basket which Annabella made every morning. Santiago picked up the basket of fruit and lunged it towards nothing as he screamed out in frustration.

"What the fuck do you mean you're pregnant Amelia?!" Santiago fumed. He stormed his way closer to Amelia, his hands gripped onto her shoulders in anger. "You said you were on the pill. How could this happen?" He shouted.

Amelia threw his hands off of her to take a step back. "Apparently accidents happen Santiago, I'm just as confused as you are." Amelia said.

Santiago started to pace in front of her, his actions mirroring her own a week ago. "This has got to be some sort of mistake. How could you let this happen?" He shouted, turning his anger back towards Amelia.

"Me? Don't pin this all on me, I'm pretty sure we had consensual sex every time Santiago. You loved fucking me without a condom on if I remember rightly, you couldn't stop going on about how much 'better if felt' how 'warm and inviting' it was." At this point Amelia's anger matched Santiago's.

"Yeah well that was when I thought you were taking the fucking pill Amelia. I can't believe this."

"I was taking the pill Santiago, I'm just as shocked as you are." Amelia was busy trying to calm herself down, not wanting the anger or stress to affect the baby.

"Yeah right." Santiago scoffed, causing Amelia's eyes to narrow in his direction.

"What do you mean by that?" Amelia asked.

"I mean what I said. This is all starting to make sense to me now. You've always wanted to sink your claws into me and now you have. Well done Amelia, well fucking done." Amelia was taken aback by the hatred imbedded in Santiago's eyes.

"Santi, I didn't do this on purpose. I swear this is the last thing I want, I do-"

"Shut up." He said cutting her off. "Don't fucking call me Santi. This is what you wanted all along, me with you forever. Well congratulations Amelia, I am now imbedded to you for the next 18 years. Well and truly trapped." Santiago scoffed to himself again, dragging his hands down his face.

"Well what are you going to do? You're a child Amelia, there are options for you out there." Santiago said.

"I'm not getting rid of this baby." Amelia said through gritted teeth as she placed a protective hand over her stomach.

Santiago's eyes rolled as he listened to her speak. "Of course not, that would be too damn easy wouldn't it. Fucking hell my life is over. Shit. I need to go home and clear my head. Don't contact me, I'll call you as soon as I can. And do not mention this to anyone Amelia."

Santiago gave Amelia one last look before he walked out of the Blackwell residence.

She counted to 100 before she let out all the emotions from the dreaded afternoon take over. Amelia sank to her knee's and screamed so loud she was sure the neighbours could hear.

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