Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Send us the weak and frail and we turn them into the Mighty Strong

Shape us into Guards to protect our grand Ol'King.

I did not know any of the lyrics. I turned to Ezra and Thomas who shrugged at me. There was loud stomping and clapping at the end.

"Yay" Ezra lifted his hand feebly. He rolled his eyes.

"Stop it" I nudged him.

The Headmistress released us, we walked to the dining Hall behind the visitors.

Byron walked alongside us.

"Master Taak is requesting to meet you after dinner" Byron whispered to us quickly. "Leave and head for Rima's office"

"Got it" Ezra leaned on his toes with a huge grin.

"Did she like the necklace?" we heard a soft voice. Thomas and I turned to find King Egerton standing beside us. We both jumped to our feet and bowed to him. Heads turned our way, there was rumor going around school that Thomas had taken on Nessie. King Egerton was wearing light blue robes that matched his eyes. His wild white hair was longer than I remembered. He was wearing a gold crown with pearls and diamonds.

"Sir" Thomas eyed him. "You have legs"

"Yes only for a couple of hours. So did she like it?"

"Sir, she loved it" Thomas laughed. "Thank you so much." He bowed again. Ezra was staring curiously at us.

"Sir, this is Ezra. You didn't meet him that night" Thomas introduced them. Ezra got to his feet and bowed.

"A pleasure" King Egerton turned to me. "Iris" he bowed his head slightly. There was a look of dislike on his face. "You look just like your father. I thought the night light had been playing tricks on me"

"Sir" I cleared my throat. "I get that a lot"

"From what I can tell you are nothing like he was at his age." King Egerton seemed to be reading me. "He was an arrogant little spoiled bastard. Where is he now? Tell him I would like a word if he could spare a minute"

"Sir, my father died when I was five" I gulped nervously. He clearly didn't like my father.

"My apologies, what did he die of?" he didn't seem apologetic. My dad must have done something to him that had made King Egerton hate him.

"He was murdered and so was my mother"

"Really?" he looked shocked. "The news hadn't reached me. My condolences on your loss-"

"Egerton" Dr. Nan appeared. "Allison told me you were visiting, what a pleasure" he bowed at King Egerton.

"The young female just informed about her parents deaths, Franklin. Who is heading the?"

"Egerton" Dr. Nan interrupted him. "Let us talk privately, please."

"Again, young one my deepest condolences on your loss. Please do not hesitate to call on me if you need anything. I shall send a gift to you shortly"

His attitude had changed quickly. Dr. Nan and King Egerton walked off together towards the back entrance.

"Damn how many people knew your parents especially your dad" Ezra sat down with raised eyebrows.

"I don't know and from the looks of it, my dad wasn't very popular with King Egerton." I grimaced. As soon as we saw Byron leave, we headed out the door.

"Lady Iris" Master Taak held out his hand. I lifted my hand, I thought he was going to shake it instead he placed his hands around mine. "King Egerton just informed me of your fathers death. My condolences on your loss. Your father was a great man and a terrible tragedy it must have been to lose him. Andrea, how is she?"

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