29. Sochi Shadows

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The man stood between the motorhome watching as Mollie stood alone, scrolling on her phone.  Seb wasn't anywhere in sight.  Should he approach her?   He looked left, and he looked right.  The place was deserted.  The sun had set and nearly everyone was busy packing up in the garages. 

He took a step closer to her.  A few more steps and he could be touching her.  He could drag her into the shadows and have his way.  He knew it was risky but he was becoming desperate. He had to possess her.  Another step.  He wrapped the scarf around his face.  He didn't need anyone recognising him.  He stepped out of the shadows ...

"Mols!" he heard Luca Bonucci shout.  He quickly stepped back between the motorhomes.  Another opportunity had gone. His face twisted with anger.   He was losing patience. 


Mollie and Seb walked into the club hand in hand.  Seb had won the Russian Grand Prix earlier that day and had promised his team that he'd have a few drinks with them to celebrate.

Mollie hadn't really felt like going out but she knew that if she didn't, Seb wouldn't have. Since Monza he was more determined than ever to make sure she was never left alone. She loved him all the more for it but it was beginning to feel suffocating.

"Mollie, hi," Lance greeted as she slid onto the seat next to him.

"Hi Lance, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks. Have you met my girlfriend Sara?"

"No, I haven't. Hi Sara, pleased to meet you."

"And you. Congratulations by the way, on yours and Seb's engagement."

"Thank you."

"Have you set a date yet?" Lance asked Seb as he sat down opposite him, placing a bottle of beer and a lemonade on the table.

"Give us a chance," Seb laughed. "We haven't really spoken about it yet."

A loud cheer went up from the neighbouring table as Jimbo and Mikey, two members of Seb's crew, started downing shots.

Seb shrugged his jacket off and hung it on the back of his chair.

"You ok?" he asked Mollie. She nodded, smiling at him.

"Mollie, let's leave these to it. Come dance with me," Sara said. Mollie smiled and got up, following Sara to the dance floor.

"She ok Seb? She seems...I don't know. Nervous. Quiet."

"It's the letters getting to her. I mean, she thinks he's all talk but she hates being babysat all the time."

Lance nodded. Seb had told him about the letters on media day.

"Have you considered it might be Daniel Hunter?" Lance asked. "I mean, he's always a bastard to Mollie. He was again on Thursday about the Monza incident."

"Of course it's occurred to me but he's the sort that says it to her face. I know this sounds stupid but I'm wondering if Scott has anything to do with it. Twice he's tried it on with her and been rejected. And she's outperforming him. He's a class A jerk."

"It might not be either of them I guess."

"It's got to be someone with contacts. Twice he's known what room Mollie was staying in."

"Well, hopefully now Formula 1 and the police are involved it will be enough to put him off."

"I hope so, now come on, let's go join our ladies."


Seb swiped the key card and let them back into their room later that night. After getting changed they cuddled up in bed together.

Seb kissed Mollie's head.

"Mols, I've been thinking."

"You go steady," she laughed.

"Cheeky! Seriously. What Lance was saying. About setting a date."

"We only just got engaged!"

"I know, but why wait. I want you to be my wife. I was thinking...shall we get married at the end of the season?"

"It's a bit close to Christmas."

"I suppose. I just can't wait to make you Mrs Vettel. I mean I guess you'll keep your name for racing? It might get confusing for Crofty otherwise. Vettel overtakes Vettel but Vettel is fighting back." Mollie laughed. She turned on her side to face him.

"I have an idea." She told him her idea. He nodded and smiled.

"I like that idea," he said, before kissing her passionately.

Mollie kissed him back. When it was just them, like this, she forgot all about the man that was threatening to ruin it all. All there was was them.


The next morning Mollie was up bright and early. She was meeting Kara for breakfast before having to fly to Singapore later that day.

After she'd gone Seb decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air. He had a slight hangover from the night before. He grabbed his jacket. Then he noticed a white envelope sticking out of the pocket. He pulled it out.

It had his name scrawled on it in familiar looking writing.

Ripping it open he began to read.

Hey Sebastian. I didn't want you to feel like Mollie was getting all the attention. I just wanted to tell you what I'm going to do to your girlfriend. I'm gonna fuck her Sebastian. I'm gonna make her scream my name while she's writhing underneath me and there will be nothing you can do about it. You can't stop me, you have no idea who I am do you?

You're pathetic. You guard her like she's the Crown Jewels but when it comes down to it you won't be able to save her from me.  Sooner or later I will get my chance.

Will you still want her when you know I've been inside her?

If you ask me you'd be better off without her anyway. What the fuck was that in Monza? She's dangerous. Makes me wonder.... Did she fuck Matthew Thorne to get the seat?

It could have ended so badly. You could have been murderer Mollie's second victim. Everyone seems to have forgotten about Elena. Even you have forgotten the woman you used to love. Well before Mollie got her claws into you.

She destroys everything she touches. That's why I am going to destroy her. But first I'm going to take her and enjoy her delicious little body. You'll thank me one day Sebastian.

Everyone would be better off without Mollie Rashford.

Seb grabbed his phone and immediately called Otmar, who told him to meet him in the lobby in five minutes.

Seb knew that the man must have put it in his pocket at the club last night. That was the only place he had worn that jacket.

He felt sick at the thought of the man wandering amongst them unknown. He could have spoken to Mollie. He could have touched her.

He made a decision. From now on, until the man was identified and apprehended, they weren't going out celebrating. He had to keep Mollie safe at all costs.

Life in the Fastlane (Sebastian Vettel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant