19. Out in the Open

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Seb changed his flight first thing the next morning. He'd decided he was flying to the UK with Mollie, and that he was going to stay with her until Austria. After that,  they'd decide on where they were going to stay.

He'd told her that from now on they stayed together. At races and in between. He'd been surprised when he'd encountered no resistance from her.

It was as if the fight had gone from her.  Where was his fiery Mollie? The only time he saw that side of her was in bed, where she was still insatiable.

He'd had to travel up to Silverstone to do some sim work on the Thursday. Mollie had arranged to spend the day with Ash, training and then he was going to stay with her until Seb got back.

Whilst he was at Silverstone he decided that it was as good a time as any to tell Otmar about his and Mollie's rekindled relationship. He'd read his contract through and there was nothing forbidding it.

He decided to get it out of the way and go and see Otmar as soon as he arrived there.

Knocking on Otmar's office door,  he wiped his sweaty palms on his trackies.  He felt nervous as hell. 

"Come in," called Otmar.  He opened the door and went in.  "Good morning Sebastian.  Take a seat.  How can I help?"

"Hi Otmar.  I need to talk to you.  There's something you need to know and you might not like it."

"Go on."

"It's Mollie Rashford and I.  We're giving our relationship another go.  I love her Otmar.  She loves me.  We've tried to stay apart but we just can't.  I can assure you though this will in no way affect our rivalry on track."

"Sebastian, let me stop you there.   Do I come across as a stupid man?"


"Then don't treat me like I'm stupid.  I know full well you and Mollie have been carrying on this whole time." 

"But how?" Seb spluttered. 

"I have my ways," Otmar said with a sly grin on his face.  "Lawrence and I were wondering how long it would take you to come clean.   We had a bet. Lawrence won by the way.  I guessed over winter break.  He said before Silverstone. Listen Sebastian.  We have complete trust in you.  You are a professional. Good luck to you both. You will most probably find that not everyone will be accepting of your relationship."

"Otmar, thank you. Your faith in me means a lot."

"Don't let me down Sebastian. Now I must get on. I have calls to make. Hope your sim session goes well. I probably won't be here this afternoon, so I will see you in Austria."

Seb smiled and headed towards the simulator. That was one obstacle out of the way. Now Mollie just had to speak to Matthew Thorne. Then it would be time to face the public.


"I'm going to miss you today," Seb said, as Mollie bent down to kiss him goodbye. Today was her day in the sim, and her turn to talk to her Team Principal.

Seb stretched out on the bed. "Remember, stay with Ash when you are outside the building."

"Seb, I'll be fine. They only seem to target me at races so I'm pretty sure they're not going to be waiting to ambush me."

"Mollie please. Humour me. I need to know you're safe."

"Ok," she conceded.

"Let me know how it goes with Matthew."

She nodded and headed out of the apartment. Ash was waiting for her in his car. She chucked her bag onto the back seat and jumped in.

"Morning! I thought we could start in the gym session before you go in the sim."

"Sure whatever."

Ash looked at her strangely. "What?" she asked.

"You didn't argue. You always argue about unscheduled gym sessions."

She gave a small bitter laugh. "Not in the mood Ash."

"The letter?" Mollie had told him about what had happened on the way home from Miami.

"Yeah. I'm just really creeped out that someone is watching me. On race weekends I mean. I guess I feel safe away from it all. I just avoid social media in case he sends any more messages ."

"Any ideas at all who it could be?"

"Well the only one I'd suspect is Daniel Hunter but I don't know. He's always said it to my face, this just doesn't feel like something he'd do."

"Well now the team know I'm sure they'll beef up security."

"I guess."

"So you and Seb. Back together."

She smiled, this time a happy smile.

"Yeah. He told Otmar. Aston are fine about it. Now I just have to tell Matthew."

"He'll be fine."

"I hope you're right."' Deep down she knew Matthew would be ok. It was the press that she dreaded finding out.

Especially Hunter. He was going to have a field day. Was she doing the right thing? Then she thought once again of Seb. She didn't know if it was right or not but it was what she wanted. She loved the man and it was time everyone knew that.


"Mollie, I'm pleased for you. You and Seb are meant to be together. Of course I understand your fears but know, on our side at least, that there are no concerns about it affecting you on track. Listen, I'm going to have to cut this short. I've got Daniel Hunter coming to interview me. And I guess you'll want to make yourself scarce before he turns up. We'll speak more in Austria, but you have our support."

"Thank you Matthew," Mollie said, sincerely. She quickly made her way out of the office. He was right when he'd said she'd want to make herself scarce.

What if it was Hunter? She thought she'd be safe here. She quickly found Ash. She felt safer once she was with him.

"Hey Mols, fancy getting a bite to eat? I just saw Scott, Will and Lirim. They're meeting up at the pub down the road if you fancy it?"

Mollie smiled and nodded. She needed to get out of there.


The man snarled. He hadn't meant to overhear the conversation but he was glad he had. He knew she was back with Vettel! He'd bet any amount of money they'd never split in the first place.

He couldn't blame Vettel. Mollie was fucking beautiful to look at. He'd fuck her himself given half the chance. No, his problem was with Mollie, not Vettel.

Stuck up, little bitch. Maybe he should fuck her. Show her that he wasn't to be messed with. He felt his cock get hard as he thought of fucking her. He'd make her scream for mercy.

He slipped his hand into his trousers and began rubbing himself. "Mollie," he gasped as touched himself.

After he'd finished he rearranged himself and exited the toilet cubicle.

He'd give things a rest for a few weeks. He needed to regroup and think of his next move. It was going to be harder to get to her now she and Vettel were officially back on. He needed a new plan because she wasn't getting away with anything. Mollie Rashford was going to pay.

Life in the Fastlane (Sebastian Vettel)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang