10. The Pub Lunch

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Due to work commitments Mollie and Seb went back to their respective homes the day after the race.  They wouldn't see each other until they arrived in Baku in nine days time. 

Mollie was feeling stressed.  Daniel Hunter had published yet another article running her down.

Even though Hamilton had been given a grid penalty for the next race for causing the accident, Hunter had  hinted that maybe a more experienced driver would have avoided contact.  Mollie rarely hated anyone.  Elena had been one.  Daniel Hunter was definitely another. 

She didn't know what else had to do to prove to him that she was just as worthy of a seat in F1 as all the other drivers. The man really was a thorn in her side.

On the Saturday between races she was just about to head out for a run when she heard her phone ringing. She went into the kitchen where she'd left it on charge. Seeing the caller display, she grinned and answered.

"Will, hi! This is a surprise. How are you?"

"I'm great thanks Mols. How are you?"

"I'm all good thanks. You're doing well. I've been watching when I can."

"Thanks. You're doing great too. Shame about Monaco."

"Yeah. My mind's on Baku now."

"You'll smash it girl. Listen, I rang because I'm in the area. I'm meeting up with Scott for lunch. Wondered if you wanted to join?"

"Absolutely. Feels like ages since I saw you. Where and when?"

"Thought about going to that little pub by the canal. You know the one I mean, I forget its name. Not far from Silverstone."

"The Navigation?"

"Yeah, that's the one. About one o'clock ok with you?"

"Yeah. I'll see you there."

She disconnected and decided to abandon the idea of a run. Instead, she put on some music and went to sit on the balcony. She put on a pair of sunglasses as the sun was already bright, although it was only 9 am.

She picked up the iPad that she'd brought outside with her, deciding to FaceTime Seb. He answered after a couple of rings.

"Hey gorgeous," he said, smiling at the camera. "How are you?"

"I'm good. You? Where are you?" she asked, noticing he was sat outside somwhere, the mountains were visible behind him.

"Went on a bike ride with Antti. We stopped for a drink on the way back."

"Hi Antti!" she called out as she saw the Finn peering around the edge of the screen. He said hi back. He was one of the few people that knew about her and Seb so she felt comfortable continuing the conversation.

"What you up to?" Seb asked her.

"Just chilling on the balcony at the moment. I was going to go for a run but changed my mind. I'm going for a pub lunch later. Will rang. He's in the area so he asked if I want to meet him and Scott for lunch."

She saw Seb screw his nose up. "Don't start," she sighed. The last thing she wanted was another argument.

"I never said a word."

"You didn't have to. Just remember, Scott is my teammate.  He wasn't even the one who asked me. It was Will, and I haven't seen him for months."

"It's ok. I'm not bothered," he said, although it was quite clear that he was lying. 

"What are you doing for the rest of the day?" Mollie asked, changing the subject.

"Just taking it easy. Might do some bits in the garden."

"Ok, well I just wanted to see you. I miss you."

"Miss you too.  See you Wednesday."

He disconnected.  She knew he was pissed off.  He was trying so hard to get over his paranoia over Scott.  She'd done the right thing telling him.  So why was she beginning to wish she hadn't? 


Will was waiting outside the pub when Mollie pulled into the car park.  She got out of the car and headed towards him.  He enveloped her in a big hug.

"Mols, you're looking well.  So good to see you."

"You too!"

"Come on, let's go inside.  Scott's not here yet so we'll have a drink whilst we're waiting for him."

They headed inside and walked up to the bar.  Will ordered a sparkling water and Mollie a Diet Coke.  They picked their drinks up and headed for a table. 

"How's Luca?  I keep meaning to call him but things keep cropping up."

"He's good as far as I know.  Don't really get to see him much now he's with Ferrari.  You know how busy they keep their drivers."

"And Seb?"


"Don't act innocent Missy!  I've heard the rumours.  You can tell me."

"There's nothing to tell" she said, blushing.


She grinned.  "Ok, we're kinda seeing each other but you can't tell anyone."

"I knew it!"

"Quiet. Scott's just walked in.  He doesn't know."

A few minutes later Scott joined them at the table.

"Hey Will, Mollie. Sorry I'm late."

"Hey, no worries mate."

They all looked at the menu and were soon ready to order. Once they'd placed their order they began catching up on what was going on in their professional lives. 

The food soon came and Mollie found herself really enjoying the afternoon.  It sure beat sitting at home doing nothing. 

Soon Will said it was time for him to leave.   He'd promised to visit his mum whilst he was around.  Mollie stood up and hugged him. 

"Don't leave it so long next time," she warned him, playfully. 

After he'd gone Scott asked her if she'd like another drink.  She declined, saying that she'd have to be heading off soon.  She had nowhere to go, but she felt uncomfortable spending time alone with Scott, knowing that Seb wouldn't like it. 

She didn't want to be rude and just leave as soon as Will had, so she made her drink last her for another ten minutes. 

"Ok Scott, was good to see you.  I'm going to have to make a move."  Scott stood up. 

"I'm heading off too.  I'll walk you to your car."  They headed out and across the gravel car park to where Mollie's BMW was parked. 

"You arriving Wednesday?" he asked.

"Yeah. My flight's at 2."

"Same flight as me.  I guess I'll see you at the airport.  Unless you want to ride down with me?"

"I'm already getting a ride with Ash, but thanks anyway."

"Not a problem.  Look Mollie, there's something I need to say.  I've been trying to think of how to say it for a while, but I couldn't, so I'm just going to come out with it.  Mollie, I think you're pretty amazing."

Mollie felt her heart rate speed up.  Seb had been right.  How had she not seen it?  She didn't want things to become awkward between them. They still had to be teammates.

"Scott," she laughed, nervously. "I'm flattered but I don't think that...."

"Mollie, please hear me out.  I tried to ignore it but my attraction isn't going away.  I think you're beautiful."

"Scott, I'm sorry. I just don't see you that way.  You're a lovely guy but I'm not looking for anything.  I have a career to concentrate on.  All my focus is on that.  I'm sorry."

Scott smiled wryly.  "Well it was worth a try.  You know where I am if you change your mind."

He took a step closer to her. "Fuck it," he said. He pushed her against her car and lowered his head, pressing his lips to hers.

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