14. Montreal Madness (1)

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Mollie looked at herself in the full length mirror.  She looked hot, and she knew it.  The claret coloured minidress clung to her body, showing off every curve.  Its low front showing a generous amount of cleavage.  She slipped on a pair of black high heels. 

Nowadays she didn't even notice her scarred leg.  Seb's love and desire for her had taught her to love herself as she was.  The scar showed she was a survivor. 

Seb.  How she missed him.  He hadn't spoken to her since Baku.  He wouldn't pick up her calls.  He wasn't answering her texts.  And when she'd seen him in the paddock, he'd walked straight past her  without even a glance in her direction. 

She understood.  He wanted something she couldn't give him.  An ordinary, non secretive relationship. 

So many times she'd been tempted to text and give him what he wanted.  Say fuck it to everything and tell the whole world. But the fear held her back. Fear that no one would take her seriously as a driver again. Fear that her love for him would overtake everything else, and all she had been through to get where she was would have been pointless.

So if he couldn't  take what she had to offer then maybe it really was over. 

She flicked her hair over her shoulder and checked her make up once again.   She picked her bag up and began the walk down to the lobby.  She was meeting Kara, Ash and Joel down there.  They were heading out to a club where the team were meeting to celebrate another double points finish.  Some of the Formula W girls were coming too.  Sophia, Lily and Kimberley.  Paola couldn't make it as had had to fly home to Italy as her mum had been taken ill. 

She was the last arrive in the lobby.  Kara gave a wolf whistle when she saw her exiting the elevator. 

"Look at you girl!" she said.

The girls linked arms and followed the men out of the main doors.

"Show Seb what he's missing!" Kara whispered in her ear.

"I'd be very surprised if he's there. He doesn't usually like clubs and only goes when he has to.  Also, he's avoiding me so he's very unlikely to put in an appearance. "

"Oh well.  I'm sure you'll be getting plenty of attention from the men tonight looking like that.  Damn I wish I had tits like yours,"

Mollie laughed.  It wasn't the first time someone had said that to her. 

It was only a short walk to the club and they were soon sitting down at a large table already occupied by several of the team.  Mollie felt her heart sink when she noticed Scott was there. 

"Mols, what are you drinking?" Joel asked. 

"Just a lemonade please Joel."

He headed off to the bar with Ash to get the drinks.   Kara disappeared to talk to one of the Alpha Tauri girls she knew.  She saw someone slip onto the seat next to her out of the corner of her eye.

She knew exactly who it would be.  She turned her head and found she was correct.  Scott fucking McDevitt.

"Hey gorgeous, looking good."

"Thanks," she said, warily.

"I just want to apologise for what I said in Baku.  I was out of order."

"Yes you were."

"Please Mollie.  Can we start again?  I won't deny I'm attracted to you but you have my word I won't try anything again.  You've made it clear you don't feel the same."

"Scott, you crossed a line." She sighed. "But I don't want things to be awkward. We are teammates. This is your last chance."

"Thank you Mollie. Now would you like to dance? Not just with me. There's several of the crew up there."

Mollie smile at him. She needed to have fun tonight to take her mind off of missing Seb. She followed Scott up into the dance floor and joined the others.

They danced for several songs before Mollie admitted defeat and returned to the table, leaving Scott dancing with Kara.

"You ok Mols?" Ash asked.

"Yeah," she said, raising her voice to be heard above the music.

"You've been quiet ever since Baku. Is it that Twitter post?"

"Yes and no. Just leave it Ash. Please."

"Ok but remember I'm here if you need to talk."

She nodded at him and he wandered off to join the revellers on the dancefloor. Then she found herself thinking about Seb once again. Where was he? What was he doing? Did he miss her half as much as she missed him?

Probably not. He couldn't care that much if he wouldn't even answer a text.

One of the mechanics, Bobby, returned from the bar with a tray of shots. Mollie looked at them longingly. One would be ok surely? She didn't want to get wasted, just to chill and relax a bit.

She reached out and picked one up. She looked at it for a few minutes. Could she drink it and stop? Would she fall back under the drink's spell? Fuck it. She put the glass to her lips and downed it in one.

Scott sank down next to her. "Wondered where you went."

"Got fed up."

"Is Kara single?"

"For fuck's sake Scott. Are you so desperate to get laid? First me, now Kara."

He laughed. "I have a high sex drive."

She fell silent as she once again thought of another man with a high sex drive. Why couldn't she stop thinking about him for just one night?

She took another shot and downed it, promising herself that was it for the night.

"Oh look, your ex just turned up. Who is that exquisite creature he's with? Lucky bastard."

Mollie twisted around in her seat. She only had one ex but surely Seb wasn't here.

Seb was here. He looked so devishly handsome, dressed all in black. Then she noticed the woman he was with. Tall, slender, beautiful and blonde. Everything she wasn't.

Then Mollie noticed they were arm in arm. No, surely he hadn't moved on so quickly already? Seb lowered his head and kissed the woman softly on the lips. Mollie felt her heart break in two.

She only had herself to blame but how could he move on so quickly when he'd claimed to love her so much?

She stood up and stomped off towards the bar where she ordered a double vodka and coke. Maybe getting shitfaced was exactly what she needed.

Life in the Fastlane (Sebastian Vettel)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat